Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [verb] that it " in BNC.

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1 In general , Highlander have found that it is unwise to place too much reliance on Government funding for support , subject as it is to political whim and shifts of policy of the administration .
2 In fact , Gemot Klepper and Peter Michaelis at the Kiel Institute have estimated that it costs a mind-boggling DM2–5 per item — per yoghurt pot , per bacon wrapper — to collect , sort and recycle plastic packages .
3 The exchange may on occasion wish to maintain that it was not previously aware of a specific floor practice which it now considers undesirable .
4 Erm , clearly we are in a room full of people who have a more than marginal interest in the political process erm and that goes for your boundaries of Cambridge city councils er remit and clearly contains also to parliamentary methods erm I 'm trying not to be desperately partisan about this , I do n't expect anybody erm but a phrase has been used earlier this evening from another quarter about if it 's not broke do n't fix it , erm the boundary commission have looked at the boundaries of the Cambridge city constituency have found that it is up to ninety nine percent of the right and proper er number of electors .
5 Quite apart from giving dementia the top priority SHARPEN argues that it is essential for voluntary organisations to be involved in and , if necessary , assisted to play a full part in planning and in the delivery of services .
6 Critics of Scottish devolution have argued that it will inevitably lead to demands for the number of Scottish MPs to be cut by between 15 and 20 .
7 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this .
8 It 's afternoon keep saying that it 's afternoon it 's morning to me this afternoon pick up your phone and give me a ring now O nine O four six four one six four one .
9 Having lost the ideological battle for being the party of law and order , will the next Labour Government want to show that it , too , can take a firm line over public order , fraud , social monitoring and industrial militancy .
10 Too often , even if we are committed Christians , we are afraid of death and like secular society prefer to imagine that it will not happen to us or our loved ones .
11 So successful had the Minogue Machine become that it was then able to turn down one of the most lucrative deals in pop music history .
12 SINCE the 1850s , when microfilming became a practical possibility , enthusiasts for this medium have said that it would eventually replace the printed book .
13 Although the role of vitamin E in nerve function is unknown , Diplock and Lucy from the Royal Free Hospital Medical school have suggested that it acts as an anti-oxidant and protects the membrane of the cell by mopping up reactive free radicals .
14 Critics of this framework have argued that it is quite inadequate to cope with a firm with the market power of BT .
15 Eth ethically the Government have cleared it and in fact have forecast that it 's going to be the one .
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