Example sentences of "[noun sg] [det] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Money that 'll do her we 'll have a
2 Now Raby was also a considerable scholar of Latin poetry of the Middle Ages ; finally , Saxl asked Gombrich to write Raby a request in Latin poetry in case that might move him to action .
3 From Esterençuby you can press onwards and upwards , towards the frontier , and then either branch right , back into the complex of mountain roads to the west that would take you eventually down again to Arnéguy , or else left , along a narrow , lonely , but not totally nerve-racking road which climbs high up on the north flank of the watershed , before relapsing into the next valley to the east .
4 So you can , so if you feel that you 're a bit , you need a bit of practice in a certain area , you can literally look up the type of course that would benefit you the most .
5 In the wild this may allow them to escape as the predator may lose interest in them , but in the laboratory the length of time they remain in this state before righting themselves is a good measure of their fear level .
6 Nor could I face , any longer , the shame of admitting I wanted a life of my own , in case this should lay me open to a charge of pretentiousness or self-importance .
7 They sold their assets — empty sites , empty schools , council houses — in the hope this would permit them to continue to build with the money .
8 Of course some may say he ruined the day .
9 Loo , look the other side that 'll tell you !
10 Cure is , yeah its , it makes 'em better , cure is a I do n't know any , I 'll go and look in dictionary that 'll tell us , erm
11 I 'm doing that talking to you look for Jim Bowen 's mobile phone number so I thought we 'd give him a ring that 'll surprise him wont it ?
12 About thirty in each suite to differ and a master key and as I say there was five suites and they had to make a key that 'd open everyone of the fifty-five .
13 On returning to college this will assist them and their fellow course team members to finalise their own Stage 2 submission(s) prior to forwarding these to SCOTVEC by 28 February 1989 .
14 However , as long as he makes sure that he does not become dehydrated by having regular fluid intake I ca n't see what harm this will do him .
15 It 's got a whole tin in that dish that 'll fill it up wo n't it ?
16 That that 's lubricant that 'll loosen it and let it work its way through nice and gently .
17 Although it is still legal to resort to the matches this season , provided the job is done properly , a late harvest followed by a wet autumn could come as a nasty reminder that cereal-growing is not the doddle many would have us believe .
18 ‘ Power ’ is not central to orthodox elite analysis ; structures , constraints , functions and ideology all may play their part in elite theories , but ‘ power ’ ( except in self-confessed revisionists of pluralism like Presthus and Bachrach ) , if not quite the grand absentee , is understood as given in a particular way .
19 An article on the Caledonian Press , in the magazine it later published , attributed the initiative of the whole enterprise to her : " To whatever credit this may entitle her , Miss Mary Anne Thomson may justly lay claim . "
20 When we are not in a sexual relationship this can confirm our own negativity .
21 I can draw some sides just like I can put I could make a just draw neatly in the teams bi on a big piece of paper that 'll make it look really good , .
22 On the evidence of recent season this could cost him about £30 .
23 White ceiling , white curtains shifting in a breeze , a huge bed neither would admit they had seen and what it meant .
24 That 's the only thought that need occupy you this evening !
25 The curists still come , it seems , to drink , gargle or bathe in the baths at the top of the town , but since the end of the last war the cure has been democratized ; in an age of health insurance many can afford it who before could not , and contemporary spa-goers both demand less and live less expensively than their more frivolous predecessors .
26 Erm but I 'm hoping they 'll put them on a , on the table when we sell them in here and there 's that 's the first thing that 'll hit them is the turned legs you see ?
27 And I mean the nurses and everybody , the doctors were really great , and they give us the best of treatment there , and I do n't think you 'll speak to anybody that was in the hospital that 'll say anything differently , they were really great .
28 In this kind of situation neither can say what their real feelings are .
29 One of the runners rushed into work on Saturdays to help out with the vast backlog of administrative chores on the understanding this might help his promotion prospects .
30 Well there 's cheese that 'll do me
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