Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] in [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nineteen Cubans and Spaniards were allowed to disembark , plus three passengers with authentic visas ; the remaining 900 or so Jews waited for news of the negotiations which involved , variously , the Cuban President , his director of immigration , the shipping line , the local relief committee , the ship 's captain and a lawyer flown in from the New York headquarters of the Joint Distribution Committee .
2 The City expects the Chancellor to alter but not altogether abandon the rule , effectively reducing the amount of gilt-edged stock bought in by the Bank of England .
3 These , including tea brought in by the East India Company from China , grew from around £500,000 in value in 1700 to almost £2 million by 1770 .
4 Back in the good old days , you could manage your practice with nothing more complicated or technologically advanced than a pen , paper and adding machine , with a manual typewriter thrown in for the real forward thinkers .
5 So there is a check built in to the , to the council procedures .
6 Cnicht 's south-west ridge provides a rapid direct ascent to the summit , with some pleasant scrambling thrown in near the top , and as height is gained the views across Snowdonia gradually unfold .
7 like Jimmy next door , he 's always dropping off and he got a vent put in at the bottom of his door , they took the pipe out and behind you had a big open
8 The plantation itself is close to a feeder stream that runs straight into the Cothi , as would acid taken in by the conifers .
9 I wanted the sleeves to be semi-full , with the ease taken in at the wrist .
10 This is more cash paid in from the last three weeks actually .
11 Nerina called in at the office to see her mother .
12 It all started early this morning , when a rather anxious mum called in at the office .
13 The situation as we saw it was that there were no obvious leading firms er there were firms that had a particularly they were leaders in a particular niche markets for example 's being very aggressive , they were certainly nationally leading on insolvency and they were getting a lot of a lot of beneficial er publicity from that , locally we saw them er as erm th they were very good in the tax field and certainly in the consultancy field , having one of their major consultancy based in by the airport .
14 As John has already said , when s er Microsoft first introduced Access and therefore the O D B C software , the only database which had the driver bundled in with the the box was SQL Server .
15 Now regular feeds with the dried milk brought in by the RAF , mean most are near their normal body weight .
16 The same year 1960 , saw the Pedler 's retire to live in the flat over the Ladies ' room , although Bill still involved himself helping his replacement — Derek Craik — who came as Assistant shortly before Bill 's retirement ( replacing Keith Mercer , an earlier assistant brought in on the crest of the membership boom ) .
17 Sometimes it 's hard to be a woman Stuck in wi' the weans
18 From across the open stretch of ground hemmed in by the watercourse and the thicket , from at least half a mile away , I can clearly hear the engang preparing for the damburst of cattle .
19 Permit me to take up our plight — try to imagine for a moment the straight and level run in to the target , " bombs gone " followed by the desperate seconds ( best described by one of my Canadian pilots as " when I bite buttons off my parachute cushion " ) before the automatic photoflash and the aiming point picture taken by the night camera .
20 However , he did admit that there is a get-out clause written in to the contract involving Hapag Lloyd who share facilities at the Royal Seaforth Container Terminal which has been negotiated on cheaper terms than the previous agreement .
21 A psychiatrist called in for the defence , Dr Nicholas Rice , told Exeter Crown Court he believed Mr Harris to be so abnormal his responsibility at the time of the stabbing was diminished .
22 The introduction of foreign players to Irish teams is not new but the flood has been severely curtailed thanks to the IRFU 's three-month probation period , a new ruling brought in at the end of last season .
23 The rest rely completely on the food brought in by the RAF .
24 Some birds and animals come via the RSPCA and he receives funding for these ; but he himself pays for the care of injured wildlife brought in by the public .
25 The County Council has been very active in trying to find a way forward which retains the objective of relieving the A ten eighty eight of lorries , but reduces the rat run in through the small villages using what are no more than country lanes .
26 ‘ Document A. That the man , who was belligerent on several occasions at first , threatening the social worker called in by the Visitor , said it was no business of theirs as it was a family matter and that the girl 's father , his own brother , had given his consent , and what more could you want , and there was no higher authority than that , and no wonder there was so much crime on the streets if the government took away the father 's power , and why did n't they do something about crime on the streets instead of invading people 's homes .
27 And informed Ulster security sources say there is no evidence that the fatal shots have been fired by a specially trained marksman or mercenary brought in by the IRA or that only one or two men has carried out all the attacks .
28 She would smile and be lighthearted and welcome them all back and have a bathroom put in on the top floor .
29 Radiant Barrier : A layer of reflective material sewn in with the filling of the bag , designed to keep heat in and cold out .
30 The regulatory regime brought in by the Financial Services Act has been costly and disruptive for offices and confusing for their customers .
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