Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd never asked me that before , but in fact my religion had been important to me all along ; he only asked me that day because I had my head covered .
2 The house on our western side had been empty for years .
3 He was reminded of his right of silence by being cautioned on two occasions within a short time of his arrival and , acting on the advice of his attorney , he remained silent when he might have been expected to explain that the shooting had been due to an accident .
4 The seat had been Tory since 1970 and had been held since 1974 by Sir Charles , who retained it with a sizeable personal vote .
5 Perhaps the swank had been right in that one respect when he jeered at Biff 's diligent efforts in the Scriptory …
6 Now , his car had been unscathed in the wee knock but he felt aggrieved that she had not checked .
7 SMETANA and Dvorak — the RSNO 's programme had been tailor-made for Walter Weller and one had looked forward to a good wallow ; to tunes , and torrents of the particularly lush sounds he and his orchestra make together .
8 Incidentally the lesson would have been better if there had been more tape recorders in the school and if the tape had been ready at the right moment .
9 He would never forget that time when a corporal had been machine-gunned in an ambush on a country road near Palermo .
10 On the other hand , the staff felt that the project would have taken a different form and provoked different responses from teachers if an outsider had been present at meetings .
11 The incident sparked off a riot which lasted for three days [ see p. 37081 ] , and racial tension had been high during the trial .
12 The Technical College had been disappointed in not being nominated a college of advanced technology , and the Principal wrote in 1965 that ‘ prior to the publication of the Robbins Report we confidently expected to be designated as one of the colleges of advanced technology …
13 Bacon and Eltis went on to suggest that labour had been successful in protecting itself from erosion of C m , so that adjustment had fallen largely on I m i.e. investment in the marketable sector .
14 Meryl had joined them with some reluctance after the welcoming address , but the moment had been well chosen ; Anthea and the professor had been deep in conversation with an eager group of ladies from Leicester , leaving Meryl momentarily alone .
15 how far the review had been useful in producing proposals for change ;
16 Although Ernest Bevin 's Transport Workers had not come out on strike the real opprobrium of the Labour movement was held for Jimmy Thomas , the railwaymen 's leader , whose opposition to sympathetic strike action had been vital to the collapse of the Triple Alliance .
17 If the Sudan Defence Force had been unsuccessful in capturing this oasis , they would be in grave difficulty , stuck in the desert without fuel , water or rations .
18 If they were implicated in the cover-up it seemed inconceivable that the President had been unaware of what was going on .
19 The theoretical proposal had been public for several years .
20 The Archbishop of San Salvador , Mgr Arturo Rivera y Damas , claimed that he had evidence that members of the army 's 1st Infantry Battalion had been involved in the massacre .
21 Mr. Wright added that the committee had been impressed by the prompt action by Teiman .
22 It was not until the early sixties that he was able to resume his film career , but his post-blacklist work had been undistinguished by two top-heavy Yul Brynner spectacles , Taras Bulba ( 1962 ) and Flight from Ashiya ( 1964 ) .
23 The work had been far from her thoughts all evening .
24 The sorry plight of an ailing club continued with the news that a supporters ' coach had been involved in a crash and that only 12 youngsters could be rounded up to take on Leicester in a youth match .
25 My personal life had been a disaster : I had had a lousy relationship with my mother ; been frightened of my father ; from time to time my marriage had been close to the rocks and I had been an uncaring father .
26 The issue had been complicated by unclear statements from the DoH .
27 However , the whole emotive issue had been complicated by the case of a 14-year-old rape victim , whom the Dublin High Court in February sought to debar from travelling to London for an abortion .
28 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
29 Comment on the dollar had been sombre for much of the year in the train of developments the previous autumn .
30 It may be that other disaffected Anglian elements also gave assistance and it would be surprising if no help had been forthcoming from the men of Powys , who can not have been unaffected by Aethelfrith 's victory at Chester and the recent warfare between the northern Angles and the king of Gwynedd .
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