Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This seems to be the logical approach , as the surplus giving rise to the refund arose from excess contributions in past years on which tax relief was claimed .
2 The severity of damage ranged from small islets in which the surface remained completely denuded ( Fig 5C ) to areas in which the continuity of the surface epithelium was nearly complete ( Fig 5D ) .
3 ‘ Among Catholics the response ranged from mild support to disinterest .
4 His literary interests were remarkably wide and his expertise ranged from Anglo-Irish writing to Silver Age Latin epigrammatists ; but he published mainly on seventeenth-century comic or satirical dramatists , as his editions of Marston 's Malcontent and Vanbrugh 's Relapse testify .
5 This is in accord with the volcanological model developed recently by the BGS team for the Lower Borrowdale Volcanic Group , in which the group is one element in an extensive plateau-andesite lava field erupted from numerous fissures and vents rather than from a central volcano .
6 The war of 1689 – 97 saw a long series of such contacts between the belligerents almost from its outbreak ; and the final settlement stemmed from protracted discussions between French and Dutch emissaries in 1694 – 96 .
8 How the lighting industry got from this point in its technology to today 's sources is a tale of technical give and take .
9 On every side images of love and violence erupted from glass-fronted posters advertising coming attractions .
10 The dramatic succession of disposals from the TI Group , following Sir Christopher Lewinton 's appointment , has been completed and in 1991 the group 's entire £900m turnover came from continuing operations , whereas in 1987 , £394m came from continuing operations and £462m from discontinued operations .
11 This reasoning came from early reading of a Ladybird book on Lautrec , van Gogh and Gauguin .
12 This reasoning came from early reading of a Ladybird book on Lautrec , van Gogh and Gauguin .
13 Desperate villagers who searched the area around Cerska on Monday for 21 tonnes of aid parachuted from C-130 cargo planes were reported to have been killed by Serb snipers .
14 I then asked rather than erm wait for er Dr to come back , er we changed onto a different product which did n't involve conductivity but before doing that , I asked for ten pallets of to be run off with the nutrient mix reduced from two K Gs per metre to one point five K Gs per metre .
15 The heads of various departments , foremen and other key workers were recruited from just across the county boundary in Sheffield and south Yorkshire ; the rest of the labour force came from many parts of Britain and Ireland .
16 The impetus for this research came from two sources .
17 Much of Sir Charles Irving 's personal vote came from these areas , where many know of his extraordinary personal kindness .
18 One powerful source of fresh blood came from new men to whom we shall return , the Sussex ironmasters , like the Bowyers of Cuckfield who disputed so effectively with Bishop Curteys .
19 The initial call for UN action came from foreign ministers of the five Central American countries last spring .
20 It 's believed the source of the outbreak came from grazing cattle and sheep .
21 Further along the landing light came from another room .
22 Much of the money for its new accident and emergency department came from public donations .
23 The main opposition came from Roman Catholics , who organised substantial vocal heckling groups at public meetings , and several MPs who battled over the issue inside Parliament .
24 Strong opposition came from former socialists within the JD who argued that the idea was contrary to the party 's founding principles [ see p. 37004 ] .
25 On the day the telegram arrived from Southern Ferries , a close friend who had given me much encouragement now began to question my continuing any further .
26 With a startled squawk a rook flew from one tree to another where it perched complaining loudly .
27 A fetid light blazed from Old Saul 's sockets .
28 Sadly the Committee has been side tracked from that task by diversionary arguments about employed lawyers in criminal cases .
29 He became ill , and eventually died from ‘ a twisted bowel ’ , which frequently is another way of saying that a horse died from psychological stress .
30 He recently published a book on the labour camp where his weight fell from 13 stone to just five .
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