Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although my income was unchanged , money ceased to be a problem , a worry , a source of guilt and anxiety , and became a reliable friend .
2 If Parliament ceased to be a representative assembly , in any plausible sense of the idea , or if it proceeded to enact legislation undermining the democratic basis of our institutions , political morality might direct judicial resistance rather than obedience .
3 In 1945 contributory negligence ceased to be a complete defence and became grounds for apportioning liability .
4 It was so successful that it replaced all other control methods and the insect ceased to be a major pest .
5 In front was a tiny apron of garden , which the street light revealed to be a shambles of children 's toys and discarded garments .
6 One good thing that their patronage led to was the Pont Napoleon , which spans the torrent just outside Saint-Sauveur to the south and is a lavish piece of bridgework , a single arch some 200 feet above the water at its highest point .
7 In 487 BC the archonship ceased to be an elected position , chosen by the aristocracy , and was henceforth filled by lot , while in 461 BC the council of the Areopagus , composed of the ex-archons , was deprived of its powers .
8 To administer and collect income tax a new arm of administration had to be created comprising experts , officials and clerks : an " army " which in terms of its efficiency and rapacity came to be the equal of the long-esteemed Excise .
9 However , through all the long years of the Unix wars , Tivoli 's offering seemed to be the only thing that all the key parties could agree on .
10 At least murder seemed to be a great improver of manners , he reflected .
11 East Anglian brewers Greene King have launched a manual on food hygiene believed to be the first of its kind in the brewing industry .
12 The church had been chosen simply because its priest happened to be a friend of Eliot 's solicitor , who was also " best man " .
13 Word of mouth appeared to be the most common method of learning about training .
14 Her mourning white was not as dazzling as her husband 's , and the downward turn of her mouth appeared to be the result of permanent , not recent , grief .
15 The fourth side of the pond proved to be the busiest and also the best in terms of good finds .
16 However , being the ‘ magician ’ that he is , the demonstration proved to be a truly amazing spectacle — one which will undoubtedly be discussed in school staff common-rooms for some time to come .
17 White-collar crime appeared to be a normal and accepted part of business practice , being both very costly and highly organised .
18 The murder proved to be the downfall of the Kray twins , who ruled London 's gangland in the sixties .
19 In so doing he also gave his blessing to — what in effect proved to be the case — declaring the Transkei , or at least Bumbane , the first ANC liberated zone , however fleetingly , yesterday afternoon .
20 Jacob Manor proved to be the very opposite of David Damiani or Fatima Zamzam .
21 An unarmed paramilitary group , their role in practice proved to be a cross between an adult boy scout movement and a slightly more sinister defence force and strike-breaking organization .
22 I shall simply say that Lord Hailsham 's ‘ little ewe lamb ’ has not in practice proved to be the liberalising measure which he had hoped .
23 There was a sadness in Orkney that religion appeared to be an element in the story .
24 In the event , the compilation of this review proved to be a far more difficult undertaking than I had anticipated — and took far far longer than it should have done .
25 Over the years , however , such dramatic action proved to be the exception rather than the rule .
26 Iran 's nuclear programme continued to be a focus of attention , as the German magazine Stern of March 15 cited intelligence sources for a report that Iran had obtained two nuclear warheads and a medium-range delivery system from newly independent Kazakhstan .
27 28 ) ; the sin-offering of a priest had to be an unblemished bullock ( Lev .
28 The delegation continued to be the subject of a heated correspondence in the journals for some weeks after the event .
29 Shefstvo wag intended to be a nation-wide movement , the concrete expression of the more abstract notion of smychka , the theory of town and country alliance as expounded originally by Marx .
30 The only other downside I noticed was that the car tended to be a little ponderous in lower gears around town .
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