Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] down [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The framework sank down until his lips were level with the floor .
2 And , to complete his heartbreak , his car broke down when he was looking for his ninth win of the season at the Italian Grand Prix .
3 At our local market I stocked up on walnuts , satsumas and last-minute presents of leather goods , then on Christmas Day the sun blazed down as we tucked into a roast chicken and raised glasses of cheap local champagne .
4 The sun blazed down as we followed narrow paths through the ling .
5 His hands dropped down to his sides , his head hung down like he 'd suddenly dropped asleep .
6 It was one of the conditions the Colonel laid down if he was to remain in hospital . ’
7 Two trial drillings produced results that attracted the interest of several US companies , but negotiations to exploit the well for commercial use broke down because they insisted on full control over the project , which the St Lucia government refused because it considered it to be a matter of national interest .
8 The train slowed down as it reached the next station and the Punk stood up and came down the aisle towards them .
9 Last night , Johanna 's father broke down as he revealed his daughter had mysteriously taken down her 50 Christmas cards from her bedroom wall only hours before disappearing .
10 Janet watched as her daughter knelt down while she was coated with plaster .
11 See the value of the bike came down , the value of the insurance came down cos I put the value at twelve hundred pounds .
12 DETECTIVES are hunting the killer of a friendly bus driver gunned down as he walked up the driveway to his North-East home .
13 It was Marie on her way home , her cycle slowed down as she took in the interesting spectacle , and Jenna looked up , startled , catching the gleam in the girl 's eyes .
14 So he put it in shed , left it in shed for a while and then it were not last year the year before , he took it down , I 'm putting this in dustbin duck he says it 's no damn good , we went on holiday and me daughter 's boyfriend came down while we were away and er , he must of been looking in dustbin he says what 's this telly doing , our Mandy said it 's no good , me dad 's slinging it out , so he took it home and fixed it , it 's been going ever since
15 flesh of her upper arm hung down when she reached for a cigarette , but it scarcely mattered .
16 The lorry-driver jumped down as I leapt out of the mini and ran to the black car .
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