Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] also [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The action had also electrified the crowd who were pressing in on the ring despite the best efforts of the khalifas to keep them all back .
2 Five months earlier , on a bridge only a few miles away , Julie Dart 's killer had also left a stencilled message and used the phrase ‘ 2 mins allowed ’ and also a reference to a detector at the drop-off point .
3 Cheshire Police Force had also lost a considerable sum of money since they cleared their police cells of prisoners , Mr Graham said .
4 Members of the police force had also demanded a pay increase of at least a 100 per cent .
5 The council had also sent an extra 300 men to Calais immediately after Edward 's death , pushing the monthly wages bill there up to £627 .
6 The council had also sent an extra 300 men to Calais immediately after Edward 's death , pushing the monthly wages bill there up to £627 .
7 The District Council endorsed these opinions and Jacques wrote to National Secretary Harry Nutt the following week to tell him so — adding that the Council had also supported the plea for an increase in Ministry grant-aid to 90% of teaching costs , which was of course in keeping with National WEA policy .
8 Perhaps she really did little more than lend her name , but it was to her at any rate that Queen Victoria 's secretary wrote with royal support for her venture ( the Queen had also supported the Victoria Press , named after her ) .
9 Behind her , as the door clicked to , she was aware that the young constable had also entered the room and was standing four or five feet away , his arms folded .
10 They beat Red Star 2–0 and Clapton Orient 1–0 , and Chapman sent a jubilant telegram to the Examiner reporting that the team had also won a ‘ nice trophy ’ , the Bronze Lion .
11 That 's where the fuel tanks are located and though it seemed likely that the partial tearing away of the wing had also ruptured the fuel lines and spilled the fuel , there was no way of being sure and no one , again as far as I know , has ever come up against the problem of what happens when an oxyacetylene jet meets a fuel tank under water .
12 The Workers ' Party conference had also confirmed the continued existence of the Official Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) , which ceased its campaign in Northern Ireland in 1972 , at which time its political wing , Official Sinn Féin , changed its name to the Workers ' Party .
13 The conference had also backed a move to call on Parliament to make the possession of tobacco products by children under the age of 16 a punishable offence .
14 His death enabled Mr Beltrami to Apply to the Scottish Law Society for a waiver of the confidentiality he had observed in relation to McGuinness 's admissions to the Ayr crime ; and he enclosed a statement from Mrs McGuinness that her husband had also admitted the crime and Waddell 's Participation in it , to her .
15 Virgin had also bought a London cinema , the Scala , specialising in ‘ art house ’ films ; and a video-editing suite , called Off Line — both of which had become the particular interest of Nik Powell .
16 The librarian had also found the committee helpful in a number of ways by going beyond the narrow terms of the funding itself .
17 A woman had also seen a man in a boat sailing away from the beach .
18 Solidarity had also won the only other Senate by-election since the June 1989 general election [ for which see pp. 36722-24 ] , in Piatrkow province in October .
19 For the first time the government had also formulated a 10-year economic programme , covering the period 1991-2000 [ see p. 38145 ] .
20 The government had also noted the proliferation of schismatic religious movements over the previous few years .
21 Hussein Kamil , had confirmed that his government had also authorized the departure of all Soviet experts , regardless of whether or not their contracts had expired .
22 The Labour-led government had also secured the passive support of five Knesset members from two Arab parties , Hadash and the Arab Democratic Party ( ADP ) .
23 According to US officials cited in the press , the Soviet Union had also pressed the Ethiopian government to negotiate .
24 In its slightly earlier day , pointillism had also had a progressive artistic programme .
25 It was adopted by those abolitionists who in a growing mood of frustration had also developed the agency system .
26 The uneven development of the technologies of production and communication had also produced a sharp , and apparently increasing demand in the job market for boys to do all sorts of simple work in the sphere of communications and transport : van boys , errand boys , messenger boys , boys to answer telephones , boys to hold horses ' heads and other kinds of trivial but essential work .
27 With great foresight , the scientists operating this marine 0898 line had also brought a tape of a large male whale — saying what , we know not — presumably in case these were , well , the sort of lads who do n't like girls .
28 The Ministry of Information had also played a leading part in lauding the military qualities of the Soviet ally , and indeed many other of its domestic accomplishments : in February 1943 it organised a meeting at the Albert Hall to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Red Army .
29 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
30 In Acid Rain Fred Pearce records that the Beaver Report had also recommended the use of flue gas desulphurisation ( FGD ) .
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