Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Her heart sank at the thoughts aroused by the sight of the romantic poet-painter , and Sam 's puppy eagerness to reach him .
2 Her mouth drooped at the corners .
3 The liftmaster looked at the others questioningly .
4 This study looked at the responses of more and less arithmetically-able pupils .
5 For instance , the West , Roy and Nichols study looked at the cases of men who had already been incarcerated in an institution for mentally ill offenders — they were not a random sample of even those few rapists who are convicted .
6 Another study looked at the consequences of family conflict and a ‘ new wave of teenage girls breaking away ’ ( Willans , 1976 ) .
7 ‘ I only hope and pray it does n't do too much damage , ’ he said , and jumped as they all heard a high-pitched , deafening roar which shook the house , followed by the sound of wood splitting as the wind tore at the planks and ripped the front door off its hinges .
8 Then she had the severest strain put on the control of her newly awakened ear-boxing predilection when his mouth twitched at the corners and it seemed , for a moment , that her sarcasm had amused him .
9 As the train rocketed to Oxford , the Queen gazed at the floods just like her paid-up fellow-passengers .
10 Boy looked at the pictures of the moustached and uniformed characters with some relish ; but he could n't finish the text , and so missed the single paragraph that Mother had circled in black ink .
11 The boy stared at the notches and gnarls in the trunk of the oak , afraid to face the voice , terrified at the prospect of looking upon the Almighty .
12 An independent consultant looked at the studies for WEN and reported flaws and a lack of objectivity in the use of raw data , statistics and language , although Procter and Gamble has refuted these allegations .
13 Charlie Harris was a shrewd street-seller whose appearance and demeanour tugged at the heartstrings of the compassionate .
14 The Coroner looked at the police officers who sat just in front of the Foreign Office representatives .
15 Thunder grumbled somewhere in the sky again and rain hissed at the windows .
16 The room lurked at the edges of her vision — chintz , pictures of woodland or roses , that paperknife .
17 Nathan gave a brief shrug , and a wry , self-mocking smile flickered at the corners of his mouth .
18 The older policeman looked at the children , a question in his eyes .
19 A POLICEMAN beaten and stabbed to death when he was called to a disturbance died at the hands of a brutal generation with no concept of right or wrong , a close friend said at his funeral yesterday .
20 Alice watched while the White Rabbit looked at the names on his piece of paper .
21 Somebody crossed in from the right , Lukic blocked a shot from Sheron , but the ball fell at the feet of Flitcroft who could n't really miss .
22 The hint of a smile appeared at the corners of Buchanan 's mouth , a cynical smile .
23 A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth .
24 An odd smile tugged at the corners of his firm mouth .
25 Her heart leapt at the words , but she said , ‘ No , thank you — they can recover in their own good time . ’
26 The plan for a six-week display in a buffet at Newcastle upon Tyne 's Central Station was derailed after a duty manager looked at the pictures by a French photographer at a preview .
27 The waitress looked at the marks on my face and at Stok 's uniform .
28 The woman looked at the graves as though she would like to open them .
29 The act of pulling the rickshaw tugged at the stitches in my armpit , the only reminder that I was a ‘ sick woman ’ ( God , but you 're a trooper ) , and the show went well .
30 The top section of the mast snapped at the crosstrees as if it were less substantial than a toothpick .
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