Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 At that time I was strongly in favour of sanctions , and I supported the dispatch of American troops to Saudi Arabia , according to Bush , to deter an attack on that country ; though I would not myself have acceded to an American request to put British ground troops there , and I think many people in the Ministry of Defence argued strongly against that .
2 I like big heads that are flat at the back , not pointed , and for that reason in recent years it is Korean males who have attracted me most , with their rich , straight black hair laid perpendicularly on that square-backed skull — always , to me , the sign of a male good at mathematics , the sexiest science .
3 Her heart beat erratically at that but she managed to shake her head in disbelief .
4 The ‘ narrow approach ’ assumed that the rule applied generally to all proceedings in which public law acts or decisions where challenged , subject to some exceptions when private law rights were involved .
5 Parts of the test-tube fusion episode failed sadly on this score .
6 The finding relevant to the present argument is one that arises from a comparison of the results of the experiment reported above with those from a minor variation of this study , in which the passages were changed to the past tense .
7 Supporting Hackman and Oldham 's pessimism are the results of a large-scale experiment in the United States , along the lines of the Tavistock study reported earlier in this chapter .
8 The English delegation objected violently to this poster , saying it could n't possibly be distributed , especially in the UK .
9 Opposition came mainly from former Communists , who as the Democratic Left Alliance were the second-largest party in the Sejm .
10 The fire-light danced merrily on this , and really ( setting all taste but that of a child 's aside ) it gave a richness of colouring to that side of the room .
11 Widespread violence flared again for several days from July 14 , with unauthorized rallies , inter-ethnic clashes , pogroms and attacks on official buildings reported in Osh city and several other localities .
12 It is noteworthy that the teachers in the Art department acted promptly upon most of the recommendations addressed to them .
13 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
14 Yes thank you , it 's great fun there and the two rascals have got these things everywhere he indicated the dust jacket where a green scaly monster grinned devouringly at both of them .
15 To its enthusiasts hunting and especially fox hunting is more than a sport it is a national institution enjoyed equally by all countrymen and I emphasis all countrymen .
16 Although this former psychiatric ward sister can appear world weary , cynicism dropping from every pore , there is a tongue in cheek panache that produces a double reaction as the barbs strike home ; the ‘ oof ’ gut jerk followed immediately in some cases by a form of enlightenment .
17 His mouth worked soundlessly for several seconds before he found his voice .
18 During 1990 the Department worked together on several projects with the RAF Benevolent Fund 's ‘ Reach for the Sky ’ Appeal .
19 He knows its hard on him , but the boat went better with another boy .
20 The biliary bicarbonate concentration increased significantly in all doses examined but not in a dose-dependent fashion ( Table ) .
21 The local researcher may find this kind of work , down-to-earth and practical , a welcome contrast to the more academic kinds of study discussed elsewhere in this book .
22 The car ran steadily for those two hours .
23 This was unsuccessful , but fighting continued there for some time .
24 It takes little imagination to see that here is a huge resource for the study of consumer and retailing habits , but if we follow the practice suggested recently by some archivists and take the network with its constituent data flows and data tables , software resources and analytical outputs as a whole , as the document itself , this is a major site for examining the cultural effect of these systems .
25 The Commons Social Services committee asked unsuccessfully for both sets of figures to be produced .
26 He strode confidently towards a nearby tent of clear plastic sheeting , over which the gaudy Chelonian flag fluttered limply at half mast in the moaning wind .
27 Since the peak of West Indian migration occurred well before that of Asian migration , West Indians have had more opportunity to form families and have children who are , of course , born in Britain .
28 What is needed is criteria relating to each of the aspects of generalization listed earlier in this section for each of the levels of a scheme .
29 The work continued under another architect , but the death of Marino , combined with the vast expense of the building together with the losses his surviving family also suffered at the hands of the new Spanish governors , meant that work stopped altogether for many years .
30 A fixed and stained sample of mouse liver analysed simultaneously in all experiments will provide reference values for 2C and 4C amounts of DNA .
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