Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] other [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 She devoted herself to trade unionism , suffrage , and adult education for women , working with the Manchester University Settlement and the Lancashire and Cheshire Women Textile and Other Workers ' Representation Committee .
2 But the final thing that happened , if I could draw the point , Chair , is that in the , in the report on the budget strategy ninety four , five , the Policy and Resources Committee on Friday , paragraph thirty five says no provision has been made for the Council 's contributions into the European objective five B programme , much of this will be , but some hundred and twenty five thousand pounds of revenue spending per annum is likely to be , is likely to required to match European and other partners ' contributions .
3 CGT secretary Séguy announced that he was not concerned with such ‘ vacuous ideas as workers ’ control , reform of society and other inventions ' .
4 One high street retailer , Comet , announced that it would offer refunds to people who bought its own-brand and other manufacturers ' models which failed the Government tests announced on Monday .
5 It turns out that the component in the venom of this snake that has such an effect binds to the muscle receptor on human muscle and other animals ' muscles , and it binds there much more tightly than the natural chemical transmitter , which is called estialcodine , thereby preventing the transmission of the nerve impulse to the muscle and gives the victim instant miocenia and presumably a nice meal for the snake in due time .
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