Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] now that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
2 ‘ A FEW hours ago I discharged my last duty as the heir to the throne and now that I will be succeeded by my son , Prince William , my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him .
3 It was a fight but now that I am at college you can believe I am the happiest girl around here .
4 Now that he was no longer a virgin and now that it no longer mattered very much , he succeeded in seducing Rosie .
5 The man is a rogue , he stole from his own firm and now that he is serving time in Swansea Prison , I could never allow him near you , let alone marry you . ’
6 ‘ It 's every lad 's dream to play in the All Ireland final and now that we have got this far we want to make sure and win .
7 Elizabeth 's eyes held the key to her sparkle and now that they were closed , she looked so wan and frail that his throat constricted with fear .
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