Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] if [pron] want " in BNC.

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1 Deputed to get his own disguise , he went off fuming to a wig shop : ‘ And the lady started to go through all kinds of salesmanship to sell me the wig and if I wanted to swim , I did n't want to swim , and I 'm sitting there knowing that this meeting is going to start very soon and I can not — lady , let's get on with it , I do n't give a damn , just give me a wig . ’
2 In your opinion if you 're offered something like that you should have your own mind and if you want to take it that 's your problem .
3 Shildon-born Mr Jackson said : ‘ To be a good instructor you must have had at least a season 's skiing on snow and if you want to get basic qualifications you would be charged around £3,000 . ’
4 We wanted to see if these players would fit into the side and if they wanted to play for the side .
5 Erm , I have children of my own , that I had naturally and I said yes , but with reservation because erm I I 've often wondered in the case of a handicapped baby er , that was born to a surrogate mother and the surrogate mother wanted to keep it simply because it was handicapped , or if she knew she was gon na have a handicapped baby the amniocentesis test and if she wanted to abort the baby but the mother-in-waiting did n't who would decide ?
6 He had his mandate , he was truly his own boss and if he wanted to sleep , he would .
7 I 'll point it out to the girl and if she wanted to , it , it 's not a chair , but I think it 's more decorative than anything else
8 Well Jane did say no I do n't think there 's one in the village but if you want to go to one I 'll take you to Daventry would be nearest , yes , but she said I 'll take you to one if you want to go .
9 Yeah , well it 's just different directors have different things they want to emphasise in a play and if they want to bring something home or they think that using a certain well like say the way the people are dressed and everything will will have more of an impact , you know will
10 Yeah , well it 's just different directors have different things they want to emphasise in a play and if they want to bring something home or they think that using a certain well like say the way the people are dressed and everything will will have more of an impact , you know will
11 Yeah well we 're gon na stay here cos we 've got quarter of an hour and if you want to listen to this that 's fine , but if you wan na carry on
12 But then if that not conceded or protest not sus sustained , that would the letter would come back to the Official letter would come back to the branch secretary you see , and he would look at it , and he would put it to his branch and if they wanted to go further , that went to Euston House , the N U R headquarters , Euston House .
13 There are plenty of empty burrows in our warren and if you want to come across you 'll be welcome .
14 Owen was , he was aware , a hired man and not a member of the charmed social circle and if he wanted to get things done he had to do it indirectly by tweaking the inner social system .
15 And er they er went around the town and if anybody wanted anything , it , this applied to local householders and all that sort of thing .
16 fold bandage and if you want , pack it away like that , you bring the end in the centre , there , so and again the ends in to the centre , just so that they meet like this , like this the centre , just so that they meet there , again , start like this , ends just to meet in the centre do n't overlap them too much and again bend into the centre and you 've got a nice little pad , if you ever need a pad for plonking on a wound quickly , there you 've got a pad , or putting against an ear or anything you want it for and you open it up quickly and you 've got a bandage , two of those and you 've got a
18 As the Minister knows , I live in a rural area and if I want to go to hospital I first have to go to Paisley .
19 One biggish living room and a little back kitchen with no water and no sanitation and if you wanted to dispose of your water you 'd have to take it out on the roadside and chuck it down the main drain .
20 After you have started Word and if you want to save files to a floppy disk in drive B :
21 Here , I 've put an intercom into your helmet , so we can listen to music and if you want to talk to me , you press this button here — OK ?
22 Ven was his own man and if he wanted to eat anything more then she was certain that he 'd hardly forgo a pudding just because she did n't want one .
23 And incidentally er about that video , ca n't tell you where you can them on the air but if you want to know where you can get Portrait Of A City , if you ring us on we 'll tell you .
24 Look at the whole thing and if they want to take out we should offer to help them
25 erm then erm what I 'll do I 'll pick it up next week and that will obviously show you a bit more about Abbey Life and any , any of your friends or anybody you think might , might like to look at the video erm you know just to give them an insight , people you mentioned erm to me that you perhaps know you 'd like to pass the video on to them to have a look erm and if er er you 've got my number and if you want to ring me then I can get some more videos if you think other people might be interested I 'm quite happy to pass them on , on to you as well , okay ?
26 My missus has to buy the kids ' clothes down the jumble sale and if she wants a pair of nylons they come off the Green Shield stamps .
27 We will go ahead and do it and local people will own the problem and own the project and if they want to continue to have two separate administrations it would show in the budget and I do n't think Mr 's right .
28 But on the same score I 'm afraid I must be an a narrow minded urban socialist well okay , I 've never lived in a city but if you want to call me that , fine .
29 Footholds had been made to get to books above head height but if you wanted one further up then you needed a rope , helmet and the special climbing boots to help you reach it .
30 Sometimes she would say ‘ This is my company and if I want it , why ca n't I have it ? ’
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