Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] she was not " in BNC.

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1 It was perhaps part of his general attempt to calm her fears , but it is a potent indication that there was an underlying fear and she was not properly informed that no alternative was available .
2 He would curse when he heard the message , even though tomorrow the string would be doing road work and she was not needed .
3 She had seen it in any case and she was not Sairellen Thackray who would look down her granite nose at him and sneer .
4 She gave a little laugh , to indicate that this was foolishness on his part and she was not anxious herself .
5 From Mary she required nothing but her presence and she was not at all interested in any talk of village gavottes .
6 Laura had learned , from the antique dress in the window of Gwalia House , the pulling power of a loss leader and she was not above producing one sample dress , never intended for general distribution , for the press , always hungry for a fashion article around which they could build a story .
7 A plan was forming in her head but she was not prepared to make it public yet .
8 Dave did not like the past and she was not going to risk losing any part of the present .
9 Tomorrow she would hear his voice and she was not looking forward to it .
10 He stared at her with a dead-pan face and she was not sure whether he was serious or not .
11 Yesterday , in Pittsburgh , she tried on her new school uniform for the first time but she was not too happy about the tie .
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