Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] he [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 that 's , that 's gon na happen and the fellows go along with it like when Tony first decided to move and that I thought oh great he 's found a place back in Basingstoke you know , we went and looked at them and everything and he turns round and changes his mind or he 's in the , you know he 's worried or nervous
2 And I went down to this bird 's down by the library two weeks ago and this same fella came in with a gram and he was like that , giving out big smokes .
3 there 's a there 's a in there out the back side and he 's about that much for the our , our top of our roof .
4 General Mola was inferior in rank and had less prestige among the military , but he did have two factors in his favour : he was the director of the conspiracy and he was in command of all the rebel troops in the northern half of the country , thus " mirroring " Franco 's command in the south .
5 I ca n't understand that either , they ai n't getting no relief off of their poll tax and yet they 're , yet she 's not at work and he 's on the dole , and they still having to pay full whack .
6 They had drifted into a brief alliance now because she was out of work and he was at a loose end emotionally , but it had not worked .
7 He looks like him but he 's in green and he 's like the Punisher but he 's trigger happy boy .
8 ‘ That old woman did the business , word-perfect , she was perfect , the jury took one look at that little old lady and he was off the hook , she never made a slip .
9 The conversation ranged widely through wildlife management , the history of the landscape and of hunting and he was on very shaky ground there I can tell you control of pests , he likened a farmer killing a rat with a dog , to the whole panoply of fox hunting .
10 And er there was only one who could n't take part and he was in the fire brigade and could n't take part because they were er his employers .
11 The shell fragments had penetrated Charlie 's head and chest and he was in tremendous pain and begging for help .
12 He commands 602 Fighter Squadron and he is on duty tonight , at RAF Turnhouse , near Edinburgh .
13 He always felt comfortable with his knowledge of the field and he was in command all the way .
14 Injuries have interrupted his progress and he is in no mood to allow Beal to do likewise .
15 I , I can remember all the activity and er when it was erected there was a fella from the First World War , he lost a leg in the war and he was in charge of the billiards room and the tables , when they built the club itself the front part used to be devoted to card games and then they installed a billiards hall and the tables and as I say a chap named he used to live in Street , but he was , a lost a leg during the war and they found him the job of looking after the tables and marking
16 ‘ Our friend who got knocked down by a car , Mr Nowak , has fallen into a bad coma and he 's on the critical list . ’
17 God , said Dionysius , is not only above our notions of goodness but he is above ‘ God ’ himself as we understand him .
18 Aileen was looking dubiously at her husband but he was in no mood to disapprove .
19 Bobby sighed and turned to the chairman but he was in earnest conversation with a ponderous constable .
20 As the weather improved and the days lengthened Anne saw John several times , but usually she was on her bicycle and he was on foot .
21 Derek and me went along to the new wans Christening and he was like a tink !
22 no a couple of weeks later , erm , we , we went on a big route marching stuff and he was in agony the old stubble
23 the rest of it 's like this here he runs into the water and he 's into the water like Him and Bobby used
24 T. B. There was a station-keeper and he was in there answering the calls .
25 He had been given a tough assignment and he was in there fighting like hell on behalf of the British vehicle division .
26 Whether it was the Trooping of the Colour , a state visit , or Remembrance Sunday , whatever the time or day of the week , the dates were in his diary and he was on parade without fail and without question .
27 It did n't seem right , yet , looking at his face you 'd , she 'd thought he could have come home , but when you lifted the bloody sheets and then she 'd never seen anything like it , and then on the Monday morning , I stayed with him Sunday night and he were on morphine fusions and then on the Monday morning I woke up and mum had gone , when I looked at dad I thought to myself then I thought oh boy you ai n't gon na go now mum nipped home for a bath they said she could and it 'll be alright and they said
28 yesterday and they sent him home last week and he 's on crutches at the moment .
29 He got in trouble last week and he 's in prison .
30 I was a prefect and he was in a lower form .
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