Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] i could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Flying from London to Los Angeles I could make New York a genuine intermediate target by taking a stop-over or I could simply score the halfway mark on the total journey .
2 No that 's alright then and er I , I got into , I came , came back sort of when mother died , had to come back suddenly in the middle of the week and then erm I brought me family up as I say and , and my hubby he took , he took us Christmas shopping which is twenty one years ago this , this month the sixteenth my daughter-in-law and I and the little boy and that 's the little boy over there that 's now married , the one with the photograph , he took us shopping at Bishop 's Stortford cos we had n't any shops nothing here then , there was nothing when I first came here it was terrible and we went to Bishop 's Stortford and we came home in the , dinner time and I got erm , had our dinner and everything , had our meal , well we had soup and that was gon na cook at night , er you know , dinner at night so we had soup and that and erm he said I go down to the garage to put a tyre on my car , he came struggling back and within half an hour he was dead at fifty six years old that 's all he was , so I was left to bring up those that was n't married , I was left to bring up er the others you know , er I had the twins with me and Roy one of the boys and erm , er Brian the youngest one and I had to bring them up and I , after I , they , they all got married and I moved , before they got married I just got Brian with me the two twins got married , and I moved into my daughter-in-law 's house next door which was no two , seven , five the other side , I 'm sorry , two , seven , five and er I was in my house though three years that four bedroom and I could n't afford to keep you know big house like that going with just three , my , me and my son so we moved into her house and she had the end one which is still in now , we 'd done a swap and then cos er , er in the later years I was in there oh a long , long while and I loved it and I did n't wan na move but then I found , I was handicapped , I would n't get up the stairs to the toilet so I was moved into this bungalow you see and I had a friend living with me and he erm , he come here to live with me , came to lodge with me because he did n't want to go into Stevenage you see and er , after that erm , after that we , I had this bungalow and er I moved into this bungalow and er he moved in here with me and er everything happened when I got in this bungalow .
3 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
4 Er , after I had my children my whole body sagged and I 'd lost a lot of weight and I could n't put it on and I was really skinny and there was no way I could eat , eat a lot and I still would n't put weight on so I started on the weight training and that does n't cost me money and now I 've started putting weight on , so for the skinny kids I think the thing is to do the weight training
5 I only accepted this [ methadone ] maintenance course to make sure he went on one , too , because if I had n't , he would have carried on using gear and I could n't have handled that .
6 In the event , there was little snow and I could probably have chosen a lighter fabric-and-leather boot with a Goretex or Sympatex lining .
7 It was as if he did n't actually want to go near the scene of the crime and I could n't blame him .
8 and my heart went some where else and I think erm , the , the marriage erm , the love in my marriage was definitely killed by an act which my partner did and I would fall into the crimes of passion I think because I mean to , to me he committed the deadly sin of all and that was adultery and I could never forgive him for that and I think that picks up on a lot , many issues which have been raised tonight about you have to have trust in a partnership , you have to give and take and people change and some people can accept all that but I was not willing to do so .
9 I sensed the warmth screaming out of the atmosphere to be replaced with the absolute zero of his clinical persona but I could n't stop myself .
10 I knew I looked a mess and I could not face going into class in that state .
11 The kids had already been put in voluntary care due to the car crash and I could n't get them back until three months after I came out .
12 So I bunked in the toilet window and I could n't believe it !
13 ooh my foot slipped foot had slipped on the clutch and I could n't do anything about it Oh I did n't realize what time it was , your dad 'll be wondering where his dinner 's got to wo n't he ?
14 And and what I 've got in front of me , David Lock , what I 've got in front of me is is erm , and I know David 's got it David Allenby 's got it as well , is the er paper from Harrogate 's Economic Development Officer to his Economic Development Sub-Committee , and it 's gone all the way through the process now and through the main council , where he has to answer that very question and I could n't put it better .
15 they seemed to me to be heavy with symbolism but I could n't see anything .
16 Once I felt my hand touch her sleeve on the river bottom but I could n't find her . "
17 I 'm a Royalist and I love the Queen but I could n't care less about the Yorks . ’
18 ‘ Even so , she is my responsibility and I could not have left her here alone . ’
19 I felt unreal , as if it was a play and I could n't remember who I was in it .
20 You were so convinced she was my mistress and I could n't deny it without giving myself away .
21 I heard him leaving because I had n't been in bed very long , and I heard him coming back because I had a bit of indigestion and I could n't sleep . ’
22 Well I had a look and I could n't see anything .
23 What I was holding out for hung on a pretty slender thread and I could n't let my life be dominated by it .
24 well I could n't believe it when we went to Jersey and he was out of money and I could n't believe it he ai n't got any money
25 At fifteen years old I started my drama course and I could n't have been happier .
26 And everything would have been fine , except of course nature took its course and I could no longer pretend that I was n't pregnant .
27 The guitar 's low profile , slight body and super-thin neck make for a very lightweight playing experience and I could n't detect any balance problems , either .
28 He said : ‘ I forgot to sign the card index that I had administered the drug and I could not order more because it was a Sunday . ’
29 If he 'd met someone and wanted to be unfaithful , he would have found an opportunity and I could n't have stopped him .
30 I know if I get into trouble again I 'll be done for the arson charge and breach of probation , and that means a few years in jail and I could n't handle it .
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