Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] if [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Important : Please do not claim help on low-income grounds if you have automatic entitlement or if you already have a current AG2 or AG3 certificate .
2 President Gorbachev then left , as the boos and hisses reached the Podium , but in fact it is n't absolutely clear that he was only going to stay for part of the demonstration , or if he was only going to stay for part of the demonstration or if he really was only going to be there for about 20 minutes .
3 men using the wo er , female genitalia as a a derogatory term and if we actually go back to the roots of that word erm , to me it 's like basic shows you what misogyny 's about the actual root of that word it means , seat of power .
4 At the moment we shall be taking a break but if anyone else would like to raise funds for the Trust or wants information we would be delighted to do what we can to help . ’
5 And it got , in the end , actually , if I was , if I had to do something that was urgent or I had to go somewhere I used to have to say to her something like , you know , erm oh I better get on , I got a lot to do this morning , or I 'm goi I 've to be shopping and be back in time to cook Jim 's dinner or something like that cos he 's starting , oh I 've got ta have his dinner ready at twelve before he goes to work and if I really was pushed otherwise she would have come in every day .
6 I ent ever hit a child and if I ever do it 'll be with the skin of me hand .
7 It is rooted in his own quite complex philosophy but if we really wish to understand his argument we must start at a rather abstract level .
8 Well my feeling is that you know if yo if you 're car does n't run tinker with the carburettor and if it still is n't running right , tinker with something else , if you like , the fatal thing is to tinker with both because then you just do n't know what you 've got , and erm she 's been on , on this hormone replacement which is er er no big deal but , you know , hormones are
9 Right , so normally we , you know , we want to be reasonably confident , right , so we want to have a reasonably small significance level we do n't want that significance level to be too small , otherwise the power of the test will diminish very rapidly so we normally use the ten or the five percent , five percent level and if you just look at the er the five percent column , right , overall realistic sample sizes , right , from a hundred and twenty down to , to about twenty , I , those T ratios were the critical value they are all about two and that 's why we say you can have a T ratio of about greater than two , then you can be at least ninety five percent confident about your inference .
10 I 've never been in jail and I never wan na find out what it 's like in jail but if you actually ever go to the police station , Harlow police station , they sometimes let people up there and do tours , no one likes being left in the cell cos when the door closes it 's very very small and it 's very claustrophobic , and it 's not very nice .
11 The defendant , it seems to their Lordships , would in those circumstances have to be rearraigned before another court and if he again pleaded not guilty would have to be retried .
12 ‘ There was a time when I intended to fight — perhaps I still would if I thought I had a chance and if I ever saw either of them , but it 's hard to fight for a man as elusive as Roman has become . ’
13 Finally we observe that unc and so , if we replace the unc sign by + , if we simply drop the unc sign and if we then agree to write unc we establish a notational way of writing polynomials that we might just find a little easier to work with !
14 Hardy was my poetical father and if I seldom read him now , it is , perhaps because our relationship is so assured as no longer to need being made conscious .
15 It was not his place to serve anyone but the Captain and if he ever found out it would mean punishment .
16 He was n't expecting much to have come in during his absence but if nothing else there should be something from the foreign residents department at the Questura .
17 I said to her , ‘ I 'm not willing to argue with you here because it would get me into trouble but if I ever saw you on the street I would ’ .
18 Pharmacology is basically a practical subject and if anything there is pressure for this part to increase .
19 It is always " by your leave and if you please " , and the influence in controlling , which might be very great … is only exerted through position , knowledge and willingness to help . "
20 It 's a beautiful valley and if nothing else you can get a close look at some ridiculous overhanging walls decorated with lean supermen ( and women ) swinging around on one finger .
21 This looks particularly good in eyelet lace and if you already own a ‘ lace ’ machine you will probably find one in your patterns with your machine .
22 ‘ We have sent letters to everyone we believe has been in contact with the doctor but if anyone else feels they would like to have a test to put their mind at rest they should contact us . ’
23 A fall in oil prices lowers all energy prices and encourages economic growth but if it also re-establishes the dependence which made the two oil shocks so effective in curtailing growth , then nothing useful has been achieved .
24 So it 's this idea of capturing animals , a poem is like a wild animal and if you really conjure it up carefully .
25 I drew the diagram and they were positively correlated Now , you do n't have to know that proof but if you ever wonder where it comes from or you wan na tell your grandchildren one day Mummy , what did you do in the stats classes ?
26 Some have become prepared to forgo promotion if it means too much disruption of home and family and if they personally do not want the commuting life .
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