Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] say [that] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lydia asks me to pass her thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously to the campaign and says that while little has changed in the way of living conditions for the prisoners and their families , the campaigners are confident of their victory .
2 The man came back to the telephone and said that if I was Linford Christie I was to go in and see them .
3 Brutus compares Caesar to a snake and says that as it is bright day which brings forth the adder it will be Caesar 's crowning that would bring out his bad personality .
4 He heard them alongside recordings of Di speaking at a conference and said that although there were similarities , the voice patterns of the unidentified woman did NOT match Di 's .
5 Somebody was telling me the Rocky was on R5 the other week & said that when he was with Arsenal & they won the league at Liverpool in the last few minutes , Arsenal were 13 ( ? ) points clear at the new year but still had to come from behind to overtake Liverpool ! ! !
6 However , many philosophers today would probably go along more with Hare 's original position and say that although Kant may well have answered the third sort of question ( page 98 ) well , he has not adequately answered the second ( still less , it would generally be thought , the first ) .
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