Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] he must [be] " in BNC.

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1 Kelly is at the head of the Football Association and he must be seen to be above the fray .
2 Now 18 clear in the jockeys ' table , the Ulsterman has the Midas touch at present and he must be regretting that next week the seasonal festivities mean three days without racing .
3 It is a shame but he must be asked to stand down . ’
4 I was cleaning out the room there the other day and he must be training , he must be weightlifting or something up in the bedroom but he 's a health health book , a big thick health book and there 's bodies , you know , the human body
5 But once he 's , once he 's resigned himself to that , he 's then got ta look at that operation next door and he must be losing money hand over fist for the amount of space it is .
6 Brookside ( Channel 4 , 8.00pm ) : Barry discovers Jo 's guilty secret and he must be well pleased about that .
7 To be a man apart , he must not be distracted by the frivolities of the world and he must be educated .
8 I know he 's had a long time out with injury but he must be all right now or he would n't be playing . ’
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