Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] he would [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now she had to sit in his boat or he would be insulted and she was glad to rest .
2 My hon. Friend the Minister of State represents an outer London borough and he would be surprised if I did not at least briefly mention the position in the London borough of Barnet .
3 One final boost and he would be up among the true stars , all guidance systems go for a seat in the House of Lords upon retirement .
4 It might even be arsenic and he would be dead in ten seconds flat .
5 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
6 ‘ That would give him more confidence and he would be able to establish himself in the side . ’
7 One wrong move and he would be up in flames .
8 It was Sunday the next day and he would be playing golf .
9 Another minute and he would be broadside to the swell .
10 Any minute and he would be inviting her through to the bedroom and urging her to call him Alexander !
11 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
12 I knew the squadron was ordered out that night and he would be amongst them , and if ever death was in the face of a man , it was in his that afternoon .
13 There was a good chance that this Sandison fellow would cause trouble and he would be linked to it .
14 She was a bad dancer and he would be happy to improve this lack and ignorance .
15 In the normal run of events these would never come to my notice , but on this occasion I was going to make a plea of mitigation on his behalf and hoped that the Bench would release their prisoner into my care and he would be summarily dealt with in accordance with Air Force Law .
16 He tried to keep himself to himself but for years and years he had windows broken , excrement and rubbish was dumped in his garden and he would be woken in the early hours by children as young as 12 and 13 throwing stones at his window .
17 He tried to keep himself to himself but for years and years he had windows broken , excrement and rubbish was dumped in his garden and he would be woken in the early hours by children as young as 12 and 13 throwing stones at his window .
18 Ferdinando was far too old , but only mention the cause and he would be into his old daydreams , seeing himself at the head of a column moving relentlessly on the Austrians .
19 His knowledge of classical music was very comprehensive — you only had to sing him a snatch of any symphony or concerto and he would be able to identify it immediately , but this is n't sufficient to get you up there in front of a hundred or more qualified musicians and be able to lead them into the opening bars of Beethoven 's 5th , or even the Warsaw Concerto .
20 That was the stratagem , but the Emperor was as aware of those allied hopes as any British or Prussian officer and he would be planning to slash the net into two pieces and separately tear them apart .
21 J.D. had told her on her last visit , when she had handed in the column she had just read , that there had been a large number of letters about Vesta 's contribution and he would be publishing some of them in the next issue .
22 Not only did the Bishop think it a good idea but he would be very happy to preside .
23 Mr Morraine shouted at him and Mr Jotter said any more slacking and he would be sent to the Headmaster .
24 An isolated farm worker in a tied house still remains vulnerable to the ubiquitous pressures of dependence and he would be unlikely to heed a strike call .
25 Relations between Warnock and Derek Pavis , County chairman , are at an all-time low and he would be delighted to move north .
26 Fire would break out in the house and he would be trapped in his room , unconscious ; she would climb up the ivy at the back of the house and help him to get out .
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