Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] it [was/were] only " in BNC.

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1 Initially the police appeared seriously to have underestimated the scale of the violence and it was only after several days that sufficient reinforcements ( including special anti-riot units from western Germany ) were brought in to control the situation .
2 When we finally reached the top of the Bouton Straits the rain had ceased as completely as the wind and it was only the current which carried us eastwards into the luminous open sea .
3 A small figure was seated beside the trainer and it was only when the two men got out of the car and walked briskly towards them that Kelly saw that it was Cy McCray .
4 ‘ Mrs Bahia 's body was burned beyond recognition and it was only during the post mortem that a pathologist found the wounds . ’
5 By the turn of the century the Free Church Movement presented an imposing facade but it was only a facade .
6 The Historic Buildings Council was unable to increase its grant to pay for this work and it was only because of the intervention of the chairman of the planning committee that an exceptional grant to cover the extra cost was obtained from Southwark Council .
7 What he would have really profited from at the beginning , he believes , was a coach and it was only some time after he joined the Vets movement that he found the next best thing , encouragement and advice from a distinguished Vet member of Cambridge Harriers , David Coward .
8 I know for sure if he had n't been on the scene and it was only Colonel Vaughan and myself , I would most likely have said .
9 Well , they 'd called it embezzlement but it was only taking what was his by right .
10 Nicky Henderson 's Mr Gossip justified favouritism and made a winning debut over fences in the second division of the Misletoe Novice Chase but it was only by a head that he got home from Bit Of A Clown , with Bronze Final a head away third .
11 In Couturier v. Hastie , the House of Lords said it was a matter of construing the contract and it was only after doing so , that their Lordships held that the buyer had not agreed to buy a spes and that the contract was therefore void .
12 Before she had time to think , she 'd raised her own glass in response and it was only after she 'd sipped her drink that she realised what she 'd done .
13 That was because P C firearm , his revolver was still in the holster because he was carrying the shield and it was only as er I started to move forward that P C er came up to the the doorway to cover me whilst I went forward .
14 It narrowly missed the terminal building and it was only luck there was n't another plane or vehicle on the taxiway .
15 Then the bonger had struck the hour and it was only three bongs , and my feet were numb with cold , the Bibles had been kicked askew .
16 For the first 11 of those paddling years he never heard of the BCU and it was only through his activities with the Air Training Corps and their involvement with the Devizes to Westminster Race that he got drawn into the position of race Publicity Officer which he has held since the late 70s .
17 The white Gulfstream One executed a perfect landing but it was only when it taxied towards them that Whitlock saw the blue , red and white Zimbalan flag painted on the side of the fuselage with the words ‘ Air Zimbala ’ above it in black lettering .
18 He was smuggled out of the Scotland camp but it was only a matter of time when his pursuers caught up .
19 In fact , the envelope the film sample came in carried a completely different company name and it was only our knowledge of the market that allowed us to recognise the source .
20 Billy had come home a physical wreck and it was only when Danny himself took up boxing seriously that his friend regained some of his self-esteem by helping and instructing him .
21 Even while Dick was lowering Martin to the ground , he had his head turned in the direction of the dark blur standing out against the night and it was only a matter of seconds before he raised himself and his gun towards it .
22 NICRA was the largest and most representative civil rights organisation but it was only one part of the civil rights movement and the original , pre-October NICRA was swamped by hundreds of new activists and thousands of supporters .
23 The stromatoporoids , for example , had largely gone and the new corals had not yet learned to build reefs ( in fact the Rugosa were never to remember the habit and it was only to be relearned by the Scleractinia of the Mesozoic ) .
24 Worse still , an injury kept Sure Sharp idle for the rest of his second season and it was only last year that Hills eventually got him back into action .
25 For a century and a half the subject of sexuality was taboo in much of Western society and it was only after the Second World War that this taboo decayed sufficiently for a body of formal knowledge concerning sexuality to be scientifically built up .
26 For example , when Perk disappeared she was wearing a yellow dress and it was only after the second time that I realised the significance of Gail ( Perk 's older sister ) finding a yellow ribbon in Mr Elder 's ( the lodger ) drawer .
27 I pulled in there as it seemed a good place to get Armstrong off the road and it was only then I saw that it was in fact an unmade road curving away round the back of the hill .
28 By the time Piłsudski took over , the Polish economy was in a desperate plight and it was only with centralised planning introduced in 1936 under the guidance of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski and the left wing of the Sanacja ( ‘ moral cleansing ’ regime ) that the Polish economy began to show signs of recovery .
29 The PSD 's post-1987 free market policies encouraged private-sector growth but it was only after the 1989 constitutional changes [ see p. 36857 ] that a more radical privatization programme designed to break up public monopolies could go ahead .
30 She had not been receiving any fertility treatment and it was only after a routine scan that all was revealed .
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