Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] it [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a typical result and it seems that , like the tendons , the early development of the muscles is quite autonomous .
2 Within days I had changed my mind and it seemed that the only sensible form of transport would be a Sherman tank .
3 We wake in the night with a churning mind and it seems that nothing will settle the anxiety .
4 It uses some printer Escape sequences which are discussed in the " Printer Escape Sequences " sub-section and it assumes that the Printer Editor has been used to set " Off at CR " to " No " for bold and underline .
5 This is a fax I want you to send to Ian in Aiden Mouth and it reads as follows good afternoon Ian , at long last I 've been able to get down to this memo of yours , dated the thirtieth alt can you please let me know the actual deliveries ' figures in the first part of this memo .
6 The dried blood from my nose was smeared all over the front of my mouth and it cracked when I tried to move my lips .
7 It was his first experience of such blatant prejudice and it came as a shock .
8 They had looked to be a one-pace crew in practice and it seemed as though they had no answer to Oxford 's attack .
9 Already the tanks ahead were in action and it seemed as though they had made contact with , and destroyed the majority of the enemy flank guard .
10 They have no power to take any action and it appears that their potential to increase the level of accountability and to develop policing by consent is minimal .
11 This was essentially a gentle action and it ensured that as little corn as possible would be shed and lost on the ground .
12 He still looked a bit dubious and David said , ‘ One thing you can tell Len , something I forgot , was that I made enquiries today about his parrot and it appears that if he does go to Conway House he 'll be able to take the parrot with him .
13 In Oe. radiatum infections in cattle , the pathogenic effect is also attributed to the nodules ( up to 5.0 mm in diameter ) in the intestine and it appears that as few as 500 larvae are sufficient to produce clinical signs .
14 And I rung for an ambulance and it came and we took her up and sat with her , and they kept her in for four days .
15 Maybe erm maybe our culture has particular metaphors , particular ways of understanding ways of human distress and it seems that very often when people have a rather non-specific distress these days , I mean it 's very common to find that erm counsellors , professionals , will be looking in into people 's backgrounds , looking into people 's backgrounds for evidence of child sex abuse .
16 Shaw said : ‘ It 's difficult to work out his programme but it seems that he analysed his subjects and classified their attributes , their doings , and the major events in their lives by coded numbers .
17 ‘ Final details are still to be agreed , but I took along the usual samples of your work and it looks as though she 'll want to incorporate feature tiles and maybe also a patterned frieze . ’
18 Jersey courts do , however , look at Norman customary law and it appears that the existence of any kind of market overt rule has not been fully explored .
19 It rained on days when they needed sun and it blazed when Nichols wanted a rain sequence .
20 Moreover , these major faults tend to be discontinuous and curved in plan and it seems that main boundary listric faults alternate along rift valleys and are separated by transfer faults ( Fig. 4.10 ) .
21 We 've got to consider the situation of some form of flexibility and it presupposes that if you have a policy in which the settlements are drawn and I suppose I I think they will be tightly drawn , development yes is allocated in accordance with the structure plan .
22 A court may make a s37 direction whenever a question arises as to the welfare of a child and it seems that a care or supervision order may be appropriate .
23 The second involves more work but it means that an immersion heater can also be fitted , provided the coil is carefully positioned — see drawings on page 54 .
24 Being in with the gang did n't stop you getting hit but it meant that the Corporals might think for one second before lifting their fists Along with Mike the Rhodesian , Marius , Robert from Oberammergau and Chris , there was myself and a Frenchman called Tignet .
25 Guests ' bills are written up daily from the duplicate vouchers which are debited to the visitors ' tabular ledger and it follows that the balances shown on the guests ' bills must correspond with the balances in the visitors ' tabular ledger .
26 I ve just had a quick look at text and it says that Durie has had a shock recall Sheringham and Dozzel are definatly out and that Kerslake is doubtful .
27 In the old Tarzan movies they used drums , and they also used natives and the warriors carried a stick , they called it a forked stick and it looks like the assembly might need a new set of forked sticks
28 They fought for an hour and it seemed that neither would have the mastery .
29 Not that the national cause formed the only basis of the Party 's support and it seems that by 1937 or so something like 600 action committees had been formed to organize the workers in Cochinchina , principally in the Saigon — Cholon area .
30 It is also true that the partial molar Gibbs free energies of each component are equal at this point and it emerges that the conditions for incipient phase separation are
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