Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] it is say " in BNC.

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1 Little is known of their courtship but it is said that , for a brief time , they were happy .
2 Retribution soon followed , possibly by rock fall and it is said that Simon 's bones still lie a'mouldering it , the depths — no-one , you see , had the courage to go down into his mine and search for him .
3 This is not to argue that these practices should not be abhorred and punished by society but it is to say that the underlying tendency may be addictive in nature and may therefore require the specific treatment appropriate for any addictive disease .
4 There are more than 200,00 known plant species in the world and it is said we have learned to use only 2,500 of them .
5 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
6 For a week they accepted generous hospitality and it is said that on the evening before the massacre their leader played cards with McIan and his family .
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