Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [that] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint .
2 There is evidence to suggest that the operation of vagotomy changes the ratio of primary and secondary bile acids found in the gall bladder and that it is the secondary bile acids that are carcinogenic .
3 I am delighted that he sees the benefits of competitive tendering and that he is anxious to ensure that further education colleges should get the best value for money .
4 If you are going to eat in the kitchen make sure overall lights arc on a dimmer switch and that there is enough light over the table — use a rise-and-fall light fixture for example — which can , of course , be substituted for or combined with candlelight at night .
5 It is worth noting that there is a delay between diagnosis and reporting of cases of AIDS and that there is usually a long interval between infection with HIV and the development of AIDS , so the published statistics do not accurately reflect the spread of HIV infection .
6 In particular we need to check that the population defined and the sample extracted by the originator of the material are consonant with the objectives of our own study and that there is no ambiguity in any technical terms or schemes of coding .
7 And we must n't forget that Andropulos may be as innocent as the driven snow and that there is a perfectly rational explanation for all that has happened .
8 The first answer is that the commodity form of commercial recordings has a ‘ distorting ’ effect and that there is a deeper ‘ real content ’ ‘ lying behind ’ the distortions .
9 He was briefed on how our skills are playing a key role in servicing the world 's nuclear energy industry and that there is significant potential for business in the global market .
10 He points out wryly that ‘ entrepreneur ’ is a French term and that there is no equivalent word in the English language .
11 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
12 However , Lea points out that for writers like Gilroy racism is embodied in the conscious policies and practices of the police as an institution and that it is difficult to argue that the police are de-politicising black struggles , and criminalising them , when some of them , such as the Spaghetti House siege , used crime to obtain political funds , and hence the police responded to the event as crime .
13 Er I think the county council recognizes the role of inward investment but that it is a small part of the ec economic growth .
14 Axil aims to price 20% below Sun and that it is targeting non-technical markets such as manufacturing , transport , financial services and health-care .
15 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
16 To take a simple example : if we assume that the force of gravity permeates the whole material universe and that it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between any two atoms anywhere , then two interesting propositions arise .
17 Bearing in mind the figures and the fact that French farmers regularly burn lorry loads of English lamb and Italian grapes with complete impunity and that it is not possible for an English lorry firm to go to Germany and to load up with goods to bring back to the United Kingdom , should not the European Community try to walk before it tries to run ?
18 It is worth emphasising again , however , that these traditions are , apparently , of relatively recent origin and that there is early authority only for the fact that Molla Fenari was Mufti ( except , perhaps , in so far as it may be argued from Taskopruzade that he was the first Mufti , as noted at the beginning of the chapter ) .
19 These studies show that the plasminogen activating activity of ascites is primarily mediated by tissue plasminogen activator and that it is also probably responsible for a coagulopathy mediated by primary fibrinolysis after insertion of a peritoneovenous shunt .
20 I believe that the publication of these results will cause people to focus on the reasons for the low standards in some places , except for hon. Members representing Bradford and Newham — the two lowest scoring local authorities — whose reaction is that one should not have such testing and that it is merely a problem forced on the local authority .
21 A complainant would have to show that fewer women than men could comply with such a requirement and that it is to her detriment that she can not comply .
22 Mr Poynor noted that a ‘ naturalistic/realistic ’ style of acting is required for this play and that it is interesting for actors to ‘ play against character . ’
23 Chief executive , Alan Wood , said : ‘ These results show that the society have been effective in handling the problems caused by the recession and that there is a continuing role for building societies operating on the traditional well understood bases . ’
24 I am afraid that we are assuming too much from this proposed change and that it is a little too simplistic — a sort of professional defamation from those who believe that applying law and order is the only way of solving what are , in part , deep-seated social problems .
25 We have seen that the free-rider problem implies that private markets will not produce the socially efficient level and that there is a case for government intervention on efficiency grounds .
26 In the uplands , where access is almost universally by car or coach trip , virtually all surveys point out that well over half of visitors never leave either their cars or the car park and that there is a marked and almost complete segregation of the active walker from the passive pursuits of picnicking and scenic viewing ( Haffey , 1979 ) .
27 He will also know that the General Synod is a creature of Parliament and that it is fully in his hands as a private Member to introduce a Bill to abolish the General Synod of the Church of England if he so wishes .
28 We have been trying to din into the heads of the electricity boards an inkling that different people are susceptible to different levels of radiation exposure and that there is no safe level .
29 This flows from the assumptions made by the model of perfect competition that the individual entrepreneur maximizes his profits , that there is a price taker and that there is freedom of entry and exit from the industry in which he is producing goods .
30 Will the Minister explain why we do not have an overall monitoring system to ensure that transport users get value for money and that there is a proper service , especially for those in rural areas ?
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