Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [is] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Then , as section 2 of the 1980 Act , they have the duty , originally spelt out in section 1 of the 1948 Act , to receive a child into care where it appears that a child under 17 ‘ has neither parent nor guardian or is lost or that his parents or guardian are , for the time being or permanently , prevented by reason of mental or bodily disease or infirmity or other incapacity or any other circumstances from providing for his proper accommodation , maintenance and upbringing ; and in either case , that the intervention of the local authority under this section is necessary in the interests of the welfare of the child ’ .
2 Here , male network patterns prove to be more close-knit ( as measured by a network strength score : NSS ) than female networks , whereas this contrast is not so marked in the Hammer and is cancelled and partly reversed in the Clonard ( one of the highest-scoring groups for NSS in West Belfast is the young female group in the Clonard , and this largely accounts for the Clonard score in Table 4.1 ) .
3 This idea of liberty is not a natural condition but is created and preserved by the ‘ rule of law ’ .
4 not a constable but is protecting or escorting another person by virtue of powers the same as or similar to those of a constable for that purpose ;
5 This is bright red and is extruded and flickered at the enemy when the caterpillar is disturbed .
6 A new satellite company has been set up to offer low-cost satellite-based mobile positioning and data communications across the US : Mobile Datacom Corp has filed applications with the Federal Communications Commission and is testing and demonstrating the system .
7 ’ She tries to show daughterly affection to her surly father but is bullied and repulsed by him .
8 But if your son-in-law has had unprotected sex or is infected and has had sex with your daughter , yes , she possibly is .
9 In every other way , Peter is a fine upright and likeable person ; he is involved in the Church and is liked and respected locally .
10 We are saved through the loving obedience of Jesus which is not just a mental state but is expressed and only could be expressed in bodily pain and death .
11 All involve production for simple monetary exchange ; the work is offered for sale and is bought and thus owned .
12 The letter concluded : ‘ We will only add this land is on an eminence with plenty of fall for water with a small Rivulet running through the same , is not subject to any Tax for paving , cleansing and lighting but is lighted and watched at the expense of the Turnpike Trust and the Kings Tax in the parish of Saint Pancras is only two pence in the pound — these circumstances so favourable to building need no comment .
13 Of the water which infiltrates into the soil , some is taken up by vegetation and is transpired and the rest either flows down-slope through the soil as interflow or throughflow until it reaches a stream channel , or sinks through the soil to become part of the groundwater .
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