Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [v-ing] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 While I have not pretended that pre-Chernobyl data are extensive , there is compelling evidence about soil and grass contamination in the Cumbrian uplands before and after Chernobyl , based on research and monitoring by the Atomic Energy Authority , the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , and BNFL .
2 Many were in mint condition and judging by the list sent in , a pretty comprehensive collection it is too , ranging from World War Two aircraft of the fighting powers to post-war helicopters and such giants as Convair 's B–36 .
3 The stereotype of the Mexican peasant , dwarfed by his sombrero and sitting by a cactus should , perhaps , be more realistically presented as listening to his radio set .
4 Tupper tells the story that for the evening following that most notorious of all war crimes committed between 1914 and 1918 , the torpedoing and sinking by a German U-boat of the unarmed liner Lusitania , with 702 seamen and over 1,000 passengers , including women and children on board , on 7 May 1915 , a concert had been arranged at Eastcote , with artistes from London and Northampton .
5 Or there may have been a sudden and unexpected explosion in the local mouse population , leading to a spate of hunting and killing by a pet cat that normally feeds only at home .
6 Almost certainly the timing would be calculated to forestall possible discovery and defusing by a Nuclear Emergency Search Team .
7 Even if appliances appear to be in good order , allow for the cost of immediate testing and servicing by the Gas Board , CORGI registered contractor or , in the case of oil , the oil company 's nominee , as soon as you move in .
8 ( ii ) The defect in steering mechanism was due to negligent lack of inspection and servicing by the dealer who was therefore liable — irrespective of whether there was a contract — to anyone foreseeably injured by his negligence .
9 He had made a detour to a cafe where he stayed for an unspecified time before walking to the Post and entering by the back door , discovering the mayhem in the newsroom and retreating to the printer 's office .
10 This is a classic walk through the western Peak District taking in Shining Tor and Cats Tor and returning by the reservoirs and woodlands of Goyt Valley .
11 I think of eating an omelette or walking by the sea and these thoughts have a determinate ‘ qualitative ’ or ‘ phenomenal ’ content .
12 We oppose excessive use of decontextualised exercises written only for perusal and marking by a teacher .
13 Single conspicuous targets in the half-field contralateral to the lesion could elicit fixations , implying detection and orienting by a subcortical system .
14 A figure of about 500,000 was calculated after establishing the amount of shoeing steel produced for local consumption by British Steel and dividing by an average of four new sets a year .
15 That was the place where the men of the village spent their evenings , drinking beer and talking by the fire .
16 We have brought along a TV guide and judging by a programme 's popularity we can correctly predict flows .
17 From a Lions viewpoint , Best stressed he was extremely pleased with Scotland 's performance and judging by the displays of the Irish and Welsh against McGeechan 's men there should be a fair tartan representation in the 30-strong Lions squad which will be announced the week beginning 21 March .
18 It takes a week to check each bird on the river and judging by the six hundred year old tradition of toasting each swan , it must be thirsty work .
19 There are hymns ( led by the united choirs of the Anglican and Free Churches in recent years ) and the lesson , address and blessing by the bishop , relayed across the harbour from the east to the crowds lining the quay on the west cliff .
20 Many microorganisms enter the body via the respiratory tract and those who have colds , for example , should minimise the spray from their sneezing and coughing by the use of a paper tissue which can be disposed of safely after one use .
21 Using equations ( 6.9 ) and ( 6. 10 ) the required Poisson values can be calculated very rapidly ; they are particularly suited to a pocket calculator , as the starting value can be calculated and then modified by multiplying the contents of the calculator by the packing density and dividing by the next value of ‘ x ’ : 1 when the calculator holds p(0) , 2 when it holds p(1) and so on .
22 It signals the transformation of the large , lucid Great Sinner into the man who is beyond definition and self-definition , beyond calling himself bored , and whose actions — whether he is biting an ear or enduring a punch in the face or hanging by a well-soaped rope — explain nothing and nobody .
23 I certainly had a good time and judging by the sweat on everyone 's brow as they worked to perfect their routines I think it was generally thought to be enjoyable and worthwhile .
24 It implies a process of hiring and firing by the day or by the hour and a high level of job insecurity .
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