Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [v-ing] [pron] back " in BNC.

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1 These include plungers , wormscrews ( for boring into a blockage and pulling it out ) , and scrapers for removing sludge and silt and either pushing it down the drain or pulling it back into the inspection chamber on which you are working .
2 He was obviously embarrassed at his lack of preparedness and when he saw me glance involuntarily at my watch he grew more agitated , pulling his pipe from his mouth and putting it back in again , tucking the hammer under his arm , rummaging in a large box of matches .
3 ‘ I 'll be frank with you , ’ says Vic , closing the album and handing it back .
4 He was much closer than she had anticipated and his arms came round her from behind , circling her waist and pulling her back against him .
5 He pushed aside the pan and went to her by the sink , wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against him .
6 What I call the ‘ auditory imagination ’ is the feeling for syllable and rhythm , penetrating far below the conscious levels of thought and feeling , invigorating every word ; sinking to the most primitive and forgotten , returning to the origin and bringing something back , seeking the beginning and the end .
7 Michael picked her up in his arms and held her tightly to him , murmuring endearments into her hair and stroking her back until she was spent .
8 Pioneering development : Until recently , research into that problem had led to only limited advances in chemical recycling — that is , taking the waste and converting it back into one of its raw material process stages , then to be reprocessed back again .
9 You add all this other information and you constantly do that throughout the 24 hour day by saying that , ‘ it 's 11 o'clock , time for your coffee ’ , ‘ it 's twelve o'clock , it 's time for lunch ’ , and constantly giving your name and bringing them back to the present . ’
10 They settled on NASA , the National Aeronautics and Space Administration , which had the reputation of having put men on the moon and getting them back without accident .
11 At last Fernando moved , rolling himself slightly away from her to remove strands of her long hair from his jacket and smoothing them back where they belonged , down the side of her face .
12 Her eyes widened as she came to the last paragraph , and she stared at it before abruptly crumpling the paper and stuffing it back into her case .
13 ‘ Ah , no ! ’ said Isambard , discerning his flight and plucking him back to earth .
14 Initially , he attempted to browbeat the pope into judging the case in his favour or handing it back to an English ecclesiastical court .
15 Andy yelled , throwing the keys down and grabbing me by the collar and slamming me back against the side of the Landie .
16 ‘ They may seem Mordor-made ’ , he explained in the letters column , ‘ because of rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar 's — uncovering society 's hypocritical filth and throwing it back in its teeth .
17 ‘ You have to play more than one way to win the Championship and having him back gives us more options .
18 The most common cause of damage when getting the glider out of the trailer and putting it back at the end of the day 's flying is impatience , and the only answer is never to rig without an adequate number of people .
19 ‘ The war , the war , the bloody war ! ’ said Comfort , screwing up his handkerchief and giving it back to him .
20 Chairman 's the person that can sit in with the group of people and is good in terms of receiving information from people and disseminating information and giving it back out again making sure that everybody 's being brought in so he 's a person really not not so much a leader but he will be a person who can keep the group together and can make sure that all the information flows around the group and that everybody 's getting a fair say a fair crack of the whip in terms of what 's going on in terms of orienting towards a task , so everything 's towards a task you need towards a task .
21 ‘ Sit down again , pray , ’ pleaded her hostess , reaching for her hand and pulling her back to the sofa .
22 ‘ We 'd better go and see the doctor , ’ he said heavily , taking her hand and leading her back down the corridor .
23 you do n't you 're not doing several operations and putting some in memory and bringing it back and giving yourself lots of chances of making mistakes .
24 This is a way of controlling your stress response , quietening the nervous system and getting yourself back in balance .
25 ‘ Nice one , Greg ! ’ chortles the yellow shirt , folding a bra and putting it back in the drawer .
26 More importantly , he wanted to match exactly his accounts of meeting ‘ rough trade ’ in the street and bringing them back .
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