Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [vb base] [pers pn] give " in BNC.

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1 Will he undertake to include the insurance industry in his fight against car crime and encourage it to give financial incentives by way of lower premiums to owners who improve the security of their vehicles ?
2 The work and support they gave to the Enterprise Centre was greatly appreciated .
3 Financial management advice and services has continued to be provided by Napier University Ventures Limited and I would take this opportunity to thank Ed Angus and all his staff for the hard work and support they give to the Enterprise Centre .
4 However , the similarities between men and women carers , both in terms of their personal characteristics and in terms of the kinds of help and support they give , are more apparent than real .
5 I am always fascinated by the little test I frequently do with my girls , I go through MKM and Modern Knitting and ask them to give marks , out of ten , for all the garments .
6 " I shall never forget " , he said , " the support and help he gave me during the critical months of the revolution in 1917 .
7 Is that right or do you give them hell ?
8 Can I thank Jim very much indeed for attending our conference this morning and ask him to give us a civic welcome .
9 Tacitus records that just before his death the defeated Calgacus denounced the Romans as ‘ Pillagers of the world … to robbery , butchery and rapine they give the lying name of ‘ government ’ ; they create desolation and call it peace . ’
10 ‘ But at the end of the day , I can look at myself in the mirror and say I gave 100 per cent .
11 With kindness and loyalty and sacrifice they gave me their support , as did all but two of my colleagues in Macmillan 's Cabinet .
12 or a hospital and ask them to give a good check , what they told us , they dare n't seemed to want to bother with people now
13 ‘ Whatever this patient 's origins or inclinations , she is entitled to the same care and respect we give to all the others on the ward .
14 But the second degree expressed outwardly in giving up the world with a heart wholly centred on Christ , seems to correspond in some ways to both the insuperable and inseparable stages of The Form and like them gives way to a third stage when the contemplative sees into heaven and is filled with the joy Rolle expresses as song : " prayers turnes intil joyful sange , and thoghtes to melody " ( 69.284 – 5 ) .
15 I am sure that you will give him the same affirmation and support you gave to me when I arrived .
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