Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
2 If you are on a site-recce and you hit on an idea or a way of solving your problem , do a dry run .
3 She realised that she had imposed on Miss Hatherby 's kindness and she blushed for her lack of consideration .
4 ‘ Once I was out shopping with a girlfriend and we went into a store .
5 My girlfriend and I laughed like drains .
6 Ultimately , their efforts brought those ‘ Peace People ’ the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1977 , but controversy over that award added to the movement 's inability to sustain its momentum and it faded from the newspaper front pages .
7 Ward 's voice smashed into my consciousness and I slammed on the brakes .
8 On another occasion , she wrote : ‘ We were in the bedroom and I said to mother : ‘ What is that ? ’ , referring to an overmantel mirror .
9 As she ran down the driveway of the semi-detached house , a shot was fired from an upstairs front bedroom and she fell to the ground .
10 I remember being at primary school and the boys went to play football and you sat in the corner playing talking or the boys played football and the girls , would you believe it , got sex education !
11 No one at the banquet could possibly have crossed the Firth of Forth in such weather with such speed and he knew from his own spies that only the King had crossed the Forth that night .
12 John Buchan was President and I wrote to him asking for his advice .
13 Raschid who is here today was President and I attended with my own Table Chairman at that time David who not only encouraged me to attend my first A G M but encouraged me to get involved involved in ri in Round Table right from the very onset .
14 Then st and then e erm Terrace and we went into er er somewhere .
15 Anyway this man without the arms , he went to and he had er he had er a pocket outside his jacket here , and he he erm got the brooch and he called on the at the house where this woman was and he says , Put your hand into that pocket , he said , and she puts her hand in , Oh , she say , she says , You 've got the brooch .
16 John had been moved to Norfolk and promoted to Corporal and he wrote to Anne nearly every day , loving letters which helped to make her grief for her mother more bearable .
17 The Corporal and I shouted at the Sergeant to step on it , as the explosions were getting closer .
18 Sadly for us , George found it necessary to reach the top via a Football League club and he moved to Oldham in September 1910 , for a fee variously quoted as between £450 and £800 , in order to gain his England recognition .
19 Well , I dropped in one evening , a summer evening it was , as I recall it , after I 'd been to dinner at the Chelsea Arts Club and I felt in urgent need of a little female company .
20 We always march in the parade on Armistice Sunday and this year erm I picked my poppy wreath up from the vic from vicarage and I said to the Vicar , you do n't mind if I wind some white poppies in this one do you , because it was the Earl Hague poppy you know .
21 Sally sat close to Edward on the bench seat and he drove with one arm around her , somehow managing to change gear with his right hand .
22 " It never occurred to me till yesterday , Mr Feather , when I was sitting on the seat and she smiled at me .
23 Toby had n't had time to try the ‘ exclusive ’ story on the dirty mac brigade and they clustered about me and shouted the usual obvious questions .
24 Er , perhaps I could make er one comment , maybe Mr Gordon will ma wish to make a a technical comment on it , but certainly when we began the programme and we discussed with the other nations in the early stages of of the collaboration .
25 it was very clever , I watched the first couple because people who like Harry Enfield 's comic characters switched on , just to see what he was like and before you knew it you were twenty minutes into a half hour programme and you stuck with it to the end .
26 The Robemaker turned his head and Nuadu felt a sudden white piercing pain deep inside his mind and he knew at once that the Robemaker had made use of the ancient , forbidden Stroicim Inchinn again and that he had pierced into his secret thoughts .
27 The mayor , councillor Ray Turner says : ’ When the king , that 's Charles the second , was proclaimed King in Scotland , he made his way south trying to raise an army and he was turned away from everywhere until he came to Worcester and the mayor there proclaimed him king of England and in recognition the king knighted the mayor and he rode with the king around the city to raise an army . ’
28 The referee 's first task of a damp evening was to ask Wasps to change their jerseys in order to avoid confusion and they emerged with a far more waspish look about them in black-and-yellow hoops .
29 Elissia tickled the back of her neck and she leapt in the air .
30 He had told her that he had wanted her that night at the house , but he needed no words now — his body was evidence enough — and sheets of flame seemed to shoot through her as her arms wound around his neck and she arched against the demanding , hardening muscles .
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