Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [pers pn] is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The chiefs renege on the deal and she is stabbed as she tries to entice Odoff herself .
2 The OSI Network Management Forum has delivered its Omnipoint 1 reference model for builders of integrated management products : Omnipoint is a set of standards , specifications and technologies that were created by a broad coalition and it is referenced in the US government 's Network Management Profile , soon to be included in government procurement guidelines in the UK ; among the technologies lurking in there are CMIP/X.700 , SNMP , work from X/Open Co Ltd and the Object Management Group ; the specifications are due to be published formally in October , and the idea is that systems that conform to the Omnipoint specs will be able to interwork .
3 Hampden Babylon is a sado-masochistic history of Scottish football and it is dedicated to the imperfections that makes the game great .
4 Last night , a 55-year-old local man was charged with murder and he is expected to appear before Dyffryn Clwyd magistrates at Denbigh later today .
5 Montag 's wife reports him to the Brigade and he is forced to flee , making his way to a place outside the city described by Clarisse , where a group of people have gathered together to memorise books , keeping the words immortal .
6 Much has been written on the topic of occupational health and hygiene and it is recognised that the provision of an adequate and tolerable physical working environment and the promotion of a general feeling of well being among the workforce , is not only important in preventing occupational disease , but in the prevention of accidents .
7 Multidimensional data refers to information such as maps , genetic diagrams and physical characteristics like height and weight and it is used in applications like geographic information systems and medical imaging .
8 On 19 October 1550 he was granted letters of denization and he is listed thereafter in various City parishes , the last being St Bride 's in the ward of Faringdon Without , where he was described in 1571 as ‘ Haunce , pictorer , a denizen , borne in Anwarpe , came into the realm about xxviii yeres past , Douch ’ .
9 Like the established economic torts , this is a tort of intention and it is thought that the conduct of the defendant must have the plaintiff as its target though it need not be the predominant purpose in the sense that the defendant needs to be activated by malevolence : the pursuit of self-interest by unlawful means is actionable .
10 Operating from batteries alone , the vehicle is of course a zero emission car and it is expected that the majority of commuting will be in this mode .
11 Under a hire-purchase agreement the hirer undertakes to hire the goods for a specified period at a specified rent and he is given an option to buy the goods when he has paid all the specified rent .
12 The scheme is called Year in Industry and it is operated by Top Business Links — a company which helps businesses to communicate with schools .
13 Plans for VT229 to include its restoration to flying condition and it is hoped to display the aircraft in the colours of a wartime F.3 .
14 Not far behind is a second West Country locomotive 34101 ‘ Hartland ’ , which is also fast nearing completion and it is hoped to be in steam by the end of this year .
15 By thus consenting they form one body politic and it is implied in the contract that the majority have the right to conclude for the rest and let me quote for when any number of men have by the consent of every individual made a community they have thereby made that community one body with a power to act as one body which is only by the will and determination of the majority it being necessary to that which is one body to move one way a single body ca n't move in two opposite directions simultaneously .
16 However , sponsorship is being sought for the next term and it is hoped sufficient funding will be secured to avoid a repeat fee .
17 A hospital spokesman said ‘ The service is currently under review and it is hoped to have an official launch of the scheme in about a month if the review is favourable . ’
18 Preparations are now well advanced for this review and it is intended to seek views from all levels of the Association starting this winter .
19 In other words it is a selfish conception and it is based on the individual 's own experience .
20 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
21 Little is known of their courtship but it is said that , for a brief time , they were happy .
22 Former Irish international Dr Geraldine Barniville from Dublin has been nominated as the new president but it is understood that Ulster 's Billy Bell and Paddy McAuley the outgoing treasurer and secretary will not be standing for election. , It is widely acknowledged that Paddy McIlroy , past president of Ulster , and the outgoing Irish vice-president , made a major contribution in drafting the new constitution and by-laws .
23 The redemption of the debenture is either refinanced by another debenture issue or it is repaid from any surplus cash .
24 But what people notice about Anthony is the way he holds his head down , that he 'll hardly ever look you in the eye , and the manner in which he will suddenly turn his whole head away if ever there is disagreement or he is challenged in some way .
25 They divorced after 20 years of marriage and he is expected to marry 37-year-old heiress Charlotte Morrison , Britain 's second richest woman .
26 Charles II took a personal interest it , matters relating to mining and it is reported that he united the old Mines Royal and the Soc. of Mineral & Battery Works which had for so long run as separate enterprises .
27 A reunion should cater for all levels of work and it is hoped this can be rectified next time .
28 Procedure c ) will require about one hour for each unit of work and it is anticipated that up to three units will be requested at a time .
29 They modernised the mill and it is believed that it became the first in Britain to make paper from wood , ie : the first Natron-cellulose pulp mill in Europe .
30 The information available is primarily on a single dimension and it is evaluated in sign language terms .
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