Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [noun sg] [is] used " in BNC.

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1 Tower mills are similar to smock mills in shape and working machinery , but brick or stone is used for the structure instead of wood .
2 If they are afraid of rats , an iron cage of rats strapped over the chest or face is used .
3 A well-constructed septic tank should need little maintenance apart from emptying once a year , but it is important that not too much disinfectant , bleach or detergent is used in the house — otherwise , the bacteriological action could be affected and the tank stop working .
4 In modern commercial synthesis graphite is mixed with a metal solvent — cobalt or nickel is used today .
5 ( f ) The actor causes personal injury to the victim and force or coercion is used to accomplish sexual penetration .
6 ( f ) The actor causes personal injury to the victim and force or coercion is used to accomplish the sexual contact .
7 ( b ) Force or coercion is used to accomplish the sexual penetration .
8 520e. ( 1 ) A person is guilty of criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree if he or she engages in sexual contact with another person and if either of the following circumstances exists : ( a ) Force or coercion is used to accomplish the sexual contact .
9 In the absence of these factors , but where , inter alia , force or coercion is used , the crime concerned is criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree .
10 For example , the Act makes it an offence to engage in sexual contact or penetration in circumstances in which the actor causes personal injury to the victim and force or coercion is used to accomplish the contact or penetration .
11 Silica or sand is used in scouring powders and feldspar and calcite or chalk are used in cream cleaners
12 It is not normally used between two complete sentences ( where a semicolon or colon is used instead ) , but is used to separate off various supplementary things in a sentence .
13 Augmentation or diminution is used when one canonic voice moves slower or faster , respectively , than the other part or parts ( which progress at the ‘ normal ’ speed ) : ( In Example 40 a third free inner part is omitted for the sake of clarity .
14 When dealing with bank loans , there may be particular difficulties where the house occupied by husband and wife is used to secure a business loan .
15 Every twitch , blink , yawn and movement is used to tell the patient that he is responding correctly .
16 Again careful questioning about how the bell and pad is used will indicate any misuse .
17 Budgetary planning and control is used as the framework for detailed operational planning and control .
18 Occasionally pasta or rice is used as a base for a meal rather than potatoes .
19 Planned segregation in an integrated home can be Seen when one floor or wing is used specifically for those people with dementia or more broadly with some mental impairment .
20 What needs to be remembered is that even when the ‘ wrong ’ word or phrase is used , in error , it can be rectified .
21 Heatpipes draw energy away from the electronics and pass it into a cooling unit where either air or water is used to dissipate the heat .
22 Whenever possible , of course , either air or water is used .
23 Third , the war reminded us that where the combination of manipulation and censorship is used to exercise control and power it leads to a dehumanisation of both the controlled and the controller .
24 As a focus for discussion , the character of Anderson , in Stoppard 's play , Professional Foul , has been chosen , and a wide range of approaches taken from discourse analysis and pragmatics is used to identify in particular scenes the ways in which four prominent character traits are deducible from his conversational behaviour .
25 In this system the location or address is used as the identifying heading .
26 Cut and paste is used to move the selected text to a new position in the document , copy and paste is used to duplicate a section of text and place the duplicate in a new position .
27 Unlike a machine that breaks down with use , we become stronger , more flexible and age more slowly if every muscle and joint is used frequently .
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