Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [modal v] never [be] " in BNC.

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1 In all cases , financial statements are representations of the entity and its management and should never be considered those of the firm .
2 The mother of five 's family doctor had told Hope Hospital , in Manchester , that she was extremely allergic to codeine and must NEVER be given the painkiller .
3 He 'll go drifting off the edge into another universe and will never be able to get back . ’
4 The detective was philosophical : time , in this world at least , only flows in one direction and can never be summoned back .
5 Not necessarily that of mother and son ; Steve had detached himself from that hook and would never be hung on it again .
6 A German Foreign Ministry memorandum characterised him as not ‘ a mere seeker after political glory and accordingly [ he ] will never become a purchaseable hireling and will never be willing to lead hirelings .
7 Marxists influenced by Gramsci 's analysis have also often asserted the impact of dominant ideas , but , in their view , acquiescence has been always problematic ; it has to be worked for through the establishment of hegemony and can never be simply taken for granted .
8 Militant feminists pointed out that sexual antagonism lay at the heart of the suffrage struggle and could never be resolved within the discourse of political liberalism .
9 Whereas Sartre 's totality was never totalized because it was always still in process and could never be closed , Althusser 's totality is never totalizable because it is decentred and displaced in time .
10 The owners believe that the buildings are for business and should never be used for recreational purposes , ignoring the enormous publicity that would be generated .
11 For the Right Rev. Richard Harries , Bishop of Oxford ( above ) , the Church of England is not a business and should never be treated as such .
12 Tubifex should be fed sparingly and only about once a month and should never be given to fish fry or young fish .
13 Now it 's uncertain as to when or if Robin Pask will stand trial , The judge Mr Justice Swinton-Thomas ordered that Pask be admitted to a hospital under the mental health Act , but Leeds Crown Court heard that he was obsessed with thoughts of suicide and may never be well enough to return to the dock .
14 Mains-voltage cable should not be run on the surface of the ground and should never be attached to fences — as these can be easily blown down .
15 Indeed , it is a friendly giant , accepting geriatrics and infants with open arms , but it demands to be treated with respect and should never be under-estimated .
16 Whilst non-equity shares have a particular legal status which justifies their inclusion in shareholders ' funds , this does not justify reporting within shareholders ' funds an instrument which does not have that status and may never be converted into one that does .
17 A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant .
18 One of the main reasons is that our system of democratic parliamentary self-government is incompatible with the Brussels machine , which has an unelected Commission with the sole power of initiative and right of veto , a Council of Ministers which legislates in secret , the so-called Parliament , which is not really a Parliament , has no roots in this country and will never be the focus of the hopes , aspirations and loyalties of our people , and a Community court , which in many ways is a political court and engine of federalism , standing above Parliament .
19 Sadly , many sufferers believe that there is no cure and can never be one .
20 Although he 's only the second son and will never be king himself , he 's still an important man and very popular , I hear , with many Ruritanians .
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