Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [conj] [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 However , if the PRO is arranging feature coverage or if it is known that they will be available for photography their PR lives will be extended .
2 It is a matter of judgement , in many cases , as to whether it is preferable to allow the pursuer to proceed to enquiry with a bad case or whether it is better to have the problem cured thus improving the defender 's understanding of what the pursuer 's case is .
3 If selling to a receiver you must be sure to establish whether the receiver is purchasing in his own name and assuming personal liability or whether he is purchasing on behalf of the receivership .
4 This is not only likely to be painful for him , but it undermines his stability , so that he can only walk slowly , with constant concentration , and he is much more likely to fall over if he has to change direction or if he is distracted .
5 There is a difficulty , however , if the seller is disposing of only part of his holding represented by a certificate or if he is disposing of all his holding but to several buyers .
6 43.4p-a-mile petrol money regardless of their model of car or whether it is chauffeur driven .
7 It is sufficient if he is shown to be intentionally using violence or if he is aware that his conduct may be violent .
8 There is evidence to suggest that the operation of vagotomy changes the ratio of primary and secondary bile acids found in the gall bladder and that it is the secondary bile acids that are carcinogenic .
9 I would wait a few weeks to see if it grows or clears up of its own accord and if it is still there , go to the vet .
10 I am delighted that he sees the benefits of competitive tendering and that he is anxious to ensure that further education colleges should get the best value for money .
11 Much of the veneer of sediments resting on the oceanic crust of the downgoing plate will not be subducted since it is not firmly attached to the underlying crust and because it is not sufficiently dense to sink of its own accord into the asthenosphere .
12 The scarcity of infill in the basins on the far side can be explained in the lava model if the Moon has a global crust and if it is thicker on the far side : the thicker the crust the less available would lava have been from beneath it .
13 I , I think we can we can look at what we can do about it in the future and whether it is practical to erm consult local members where possible .
14 The contents of the Church of Scotland ceremony and where it is to be held is entirely at the discretion of the minister .
15 This is a haematoma and if it is in an area where you are likely to receive further knocks , you should withdraw from the competition .
16 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
17 It is not always easy to identify when a person is an employee and when he is not ; various tests have evolved and some concern questions of " control " .
18 However , Lea points out that for writers like Gilroy racism is embodied in the conscious policies and practices of the police as an institution and that it is difficult to argue that the police are de-politicising black struggles , and criminalising them , when some of them , such as the Spaghetti House siege , used crime to obtain political funds , and hence the police responded to the event as crime .
19 Er I think the county council recognizes the role of inward investment but that it is a small part of the ec economic growth .
20 The Shield of Cold is automatically dispelled if the wizard or unit he is with enters hand-to-hand combat , but otherwise remains in play for the remainder of the battle or until it is dispelled .
21 And depending whether it 's a rectangular plot or whether it is n't or not or if it 's slightly at an angle then some of the corner houses have a fairly long gardens .
22 In most cases we will be asking when a particular parish or set of parish boundaries was first defined , and if that was the date of its origin or if it is older .
23 ( 2 ) The difficulty arises where there is some evidence but it is of a tenuous character , for example because of inherent weakness or vagueness or because it is inconsistent with other evidence .
24 Axil aims to price 20% below Sun and that it is targeting non-technical markets such as manufacturing , transport , financial services and health-care .
25 You are moving the position of the oxygen and although it is n't a er a er well no , functional group ?
26 It seems realistic to expect the auditor to take such information into account in his review of the audit and the person acting as auditor also needs to be aware of other non-audit work on his client that partners in his firm may be doing such as for example tax work and they in turn should consider whether any information that may arise from their work is relevant to the conduct of the audit and where it is , they should also consider whether it is relevant to the duty to report to the regulator , the partner carrying out the audit should also if possible , discuss it with his client .
27 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
28 To take a simple example : if we assume that the force of gravity permeates the whole material universe and that it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between any two atoms anywhere , then two interesting propositions arise .
29 Bearing in mind the figures and the fact that French farmers regularly burn lorry loads of English lamb and Italian grapes with complete impunity and that it is not possible for an English lorry firm to go to Germany and to load up with goods to bring back to the United Kingdom , should not the European Community try to walk before it tries to run ?
30 The fungus has no heart nor ‘ Achilles ’ heal and unless it is completely destroyed to its limits , it will develop fresh strength and start again to devour the timberwork .
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