Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] also [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the remaining insects only the basal segment contains muscles , Johnston 's organ is present and increase in the number of segments occurs through division of the 3rd segment or sometimes also of some or all of the more distal segments .
2 This beginning of monumental sculpture in Greece accompanies a revival of monumental architecture and apparently also of painting .
3 Their trick this time was to pretend that Parliament was really only a legislature and not also in consequence the effective controller of executive government .
4 Contrary to the suggestion in para 18/8/10 of the 1993 White Book , it has been held that a claim for interest under s35A is sufficiently pleaded even if it only appears in the prayer and not also in the body of the pleading ( McDonald 's Hamburgers Ltd v Burgerking ( UK ) Ltd [ 1987 ] FSR 112 ) .
5 The most likely possibility is that a number ( of uncertain size but probably Reynolds number dependent ) of the hairpin vortices occur within an eruption and maybe also within an inrush — an interpretation suggested primarily by numerical simulation .
6 The artist as subject is involved as authority for the authenticity of the subject as sitter and hence also for the legitimacy of the object as portrait .
7 The tentacle pores are large ; the tentacle scales are large leaf shaped and there are two on the first arm pore and sometimes also on the second .
8 Sheep should also be treated at least once at the start of the dry season and preferably also before the start of prolonged rain to remove persisting hypobiotic larvae whose development could pose a future threat .
9 That prevents us from being receptive to life and therefore also from receiving its benefits .
10 And now we have to fight to be reinstated in the union and then also to be reinstated in the company ’ .
11 Consider finally how even the man of knowledge , when he compels his spirit to knowledge which is counter to the inclination of his spirit and frequently also to the desires of his heart — by saying No , that is , when he would like to affirm , love , worship — disposes as an artist in and transfigurer of cruelty ; in all taking things seriously and thoroughly indeed there is already a violation , a desire to hurt the fundamental will of the spirit , which ceaselessly strives for appearance and the superficial — in all desire to know there is already a drop of cruelty .
12 The amendment failed , being opposed not just by the Government but surprisingly also by the SDP spokesman , Mr Robert MacLennan , who said that ‘ senior Ministers who have the duty to authorise interception of communications must have a very wide — in many cases , almost unlimited — discretion ’ .
13 The vast amount of routine clerical labour which had made up so much day-to-day activity in the past had been lightened by the coming of the woman typist and sometimes also of clerks recruited specifically for this sort of work .
14 They are usually adapted for cutting or crushing the food and frequently also for defence ; more rarely they are modified into sickle-like or stylet-like piercing organs .
15 Since the Soweto uprising , some reforms of the system have taken place , in response partly to this political pressure but partly also to the changing nature of the South African economy .
16 Usually teachers can expect detailed ( possibly too detailed ) help in English and Mathematics and sometimes also in Science and Religious Education , but often far less in local languages , Social Studies and cultural subjects , significantly enough , those subjects which are most closely connected with the local environment .
17 From the Books which I have sent , you will be able to judge of his hand-writing and perhaps also of his progress in arithmetic .
18 Calcium-induced calcium release in cardiac muscle and perhaps also in neurons .
19 The reshuffle was a notable display of Prime Ministerial power but perhaps also of her frustration with the original appointments .
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