Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [pron] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 To complicate the picture even further , there are a number of other devices which , although not strictly security interests in the sense of vesting some type of proprietary interest in the creditor or which give him possessory control over assets of the debtor company , nevertheless act as security .
2 And now he was passing a second and more dilapidated pillbox and it struck him that the whole headland had the desolate look of an old battlefield , the corpses long since carted away but the air vibrating still with the gunfire of long-lost battles , while the power station loomed over it like a grandiose modern monument to the unknown dead .
3 Asked by police what had happened , Mr Graham said : ‘ He attacked me with a hammer and I stabbed him . ’
4 His appearance in the Toyota World Match Play at Wentworth in October was his 17th in succession and it gave him the chance of winning the title for a record sixth time .
5 There are apparently further charges to be put to him your worship the charge of theft and we charge him with handling stolen property .
6 He won that actually on appeal because he said he needed to raise the funds for a project he 'd got in mind and they allowed him twenty eight days in the first year , he now carries on fourteen days without planning permission every year , but give him credit he does run it very well , er and you can not fault him , but we in our area do actually issue licences , you can not have a car boot sale or market stall without a licence and I personally have run the charity markets in er the village high street and got a licence at the cost of a pound .
7 so , so then Anita goes , no I go tell him to put it in a letter then , yeah , and he was gon na put it in a letter and then he changed his mind and he said he was gon na ask me after school , but then he did n't ask me after school and Kate gave him my phone number and then he phoned me
8 Willie tapped Zach 's shoulder but he had already read his mind and he handed him a couple .
9 Robbie had expected the dog to pursue them , but instead there was a splash and she realised he had gone into the water .
10 We did meet briefly in the doorway and I think he said something .
11 Erm I mean maybe they have n't had very much , but erm but in , in a sense there 's a sort of huge commitment on their part to that , because they actually , I remember some chap came over to do the talk and I think he 's got four kids and he said , well you know , I did n't know how my kids were going to react to people fine you know
12 Because sh I mean she was a eye witness and she picked him out .
13 Well Les says er when we got out the car and you went he says bloody hell that uses some juice do n't it ?
14 I just wondered because we were in Winners once and it had some and he picked them up and he looked at them and he said I do n't think these are the right shape for my car and I know he needs some .
15 By the garden gate of Four Winds she stood looking at the house for several minutes in silence before they got back into the car and she told him how to get to the Inn on the Point .
16 Well it 's roughly about five pound and , one pound and I thought he said one pound forty a pint .
17 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
18 He asked me for a light and I offered him one of my Gauloises .
19 The only point is that I want that foreigner not to undersell my labour and I want him to be as competent to do the work as well as I would do it myself .
20 Around him he began to see the unfolding beauty of early summer in his homeland and it held him still with wonder and made him forget the passing of the days .
21 He asked to see the horse and they took him to the stable .
22 It 's worth noting that Palin 's eldest son Tom is a musician and he supports him .
23 Sally arranged herself on his other side and they walked him away , throwing questions at him .
24 At the time Mick Doyle was coach to a successful Leinster side and he believed he could do a better job than McBride .
25 ‘ He jumped to the side and I missed him .
26 And er god you should of heard him , god if it ai n't Ross all over again , mummy , mummy and she left him there , as I said when they first came he was in the far bedroom , well now I suppose with all these people she 's rearranged it indoors and he 's in the one next to our house , and she 's shouting at him and er it went on how , I ca n't tell you how long , I mean , Bev and I was talking through bedrooms you know
27 Tha him , look how , look how he after mummy and I give him
28 He , he , he was er more or less well off , still in , in Terrace but you know he was , they seemed to be well off and probably were .
29 ‘ He is not the most robust horse but I knew he was in good shape .
30 The doctor offered Rose slimming tablets to help her lose even more weight but he said he was not very hopeful that she would lose it from her legs .
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