Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There are chapters dealing with absolute medical emergencies , such as a crush injury to the chest or what to do if your child is trapped in a smoke-filled room .
2 Employees moving from an unfurnished flatlet or room to similar accommodation at the new base or who rent or buy a house at the new location receive a grant of £438 .
3 So I either have it in the kitchen or I go and I say to them do you want a cup of tea ?
4 The review is important for the future of the Association and we hope that the process of wide consultation will lead to recommendations based on a considered analysis of the needs and views of the membership .
5 We are er overseeing them , as we do with other contractors , but it is , it is the district and it 's their own contractor and we hope that they will improve their performance .
6 In the first chapter we looked at notions of timely and untimely grief and we saw that although the reaction to loss is the same whether or not we are expecting someone to die , the way it will be expressed does very much depend on whether it is something we might expect .
7 My girlfriend and I shouted and screamed our denials , but they would n't believe us .
8 ‘ But the thing about Robbo is that he is a determined beggar and I know that if I ask him , he will say OK if he 's ready .
9 Baron of Buchlyvie was brought into the ring and everyone agreed that it looked magnificent .
10 This somehow led to a discussion on local football and I discovered that there were eleven fit men and true down at the Kingdom Hall .
11 Bohannen ( 1971 ) describes six stations of divorce which may be happening simultaneously or in succession and which continue until some resolution is found .
12 Urquhart flicked the main switch and she blinked as the room was washed by the harsh overhead light .
13 Her husband was an invalid and she had but one friend , or rather , vassal , referred to jokingly by the local people as ‘ yon auld witch ’ .
14 This is a typical result and it seems that , like the tendons , the early development of the muscles is quite autonomous .
15 They argue that Griffiths is undeniably a solid scrummager on the loose-head and they acknowledge that , largely depending on the nature of the game in question and the particular opposition , there are still plenty of matches where that can prove to be invaluable .
16 About thirty three thousand but you see what he said is , head office make the rule and he said and they 're not
17 I am grateful for the Minister 's reply and I know that she will have been as horrified as the rest of us by the images and the conflict that was reported from Somalia last weekend .
18 This year we 've restricted it to primary , partly because we felt that 's where the enthusiasm was , and partly , if people wo n't mind me saying so , to keep out the computer science specialists — we felt that , you know , we did n't want a club for boffins or for the experts , we wanted a club and we felt that if we started at the primary end , where there was n't a lot of expertise , we would probably be of more use .
19 The residents go to the pub , the local corner shop , the club and they go and play bingo .
20 I would have done it for a young white guy if he was from my club and I realised that he did not have enough money to play the Tour . "
21 Well because I was in the office I got a pound a week , you see , and the , do you know the Manageress there who , she was the Manageress then sorry , I 've got a photograph and she said that when she was Manageress at Colchester and she only got fifteen shillings a week
22 If they have come to an arrangement with British Rail under the bus substitution programme and they consider that they are not getting enough money , there will be no cosy chats or friendly discussions in the board room , they will be absolutely ruthless and cut the services .
23 The images of the dead came to his mind and he knew that he had to stop Kopyion .
24 Within days I had changed my mind and it seemed that the only sensible form of transport would be a Sherman tank .
25 We wake in the night with a churning mind and it seems that nothing will settle the anxiety .
26 For hours I could n't put those dreadful cries out of my mind and I imagined that with every breath my own stomach was swelling and about to burst .
27 I think there is a problem in that , I mean , as you know , at the university now we could actually send our mail , and we do have this facility on certain displays and you just put in mail and you see if there 's any waiting for you .
28 It uses some printer Escape sequences which are discussed in the " Printer Escape Sequences " sub-section and it assumes that the Printer Editor has been used to set " Off at CR " to " No " for bold and underline .
29 I mean , I only had that one on my neck and I thought and like I was I was !
30 I trained as a lawyer and I think that helps .
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