Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given that such a coalition would enjoy the support of more than 50% of electors and that the turnover of seats under PR is small ( Professor Finer estimated that a swing of 1% would result in the loss of only six seats ) , it would most likely remain in office for the foreseeable future and hence be in a position to ensure a degree of policy continuity .
2 Which tape and all was on there ?
3 There was no response , which meant that he might still be sleeping off a particularly heavy lunchtime session or perhaps was in the bath and could n't be bothered to get out .
4 The original Hebrew does not quite spell that out in detail , but that was what was meant , and has forever attached itself to the sin of sodomy which was until recently against the law and still is with those under 21 years of age .
5 ( 2 ) Allowing the appeal , that before making the prohibited steps orders the justices should have informed the parties of their intention and given them an opportunity to make submissions as to whether such orders were appropriate ; that the justices had had no jurisdiction to make an order prohibiting the parents from having contact with each other because such contact was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibility towards his child and thus was outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; that , on the evidence they accepted , the justices had been plainly wrong to refuse to make the interim care orders ; and that , accordingly , the court would substitute interim care orders relating to both children ( post , pp. 271B–D , H — 272A , F , H — 273A ) .
6 In the Arcado case [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 a commercial agency agreement was in existence , and the ratio of the Court of Justice was that a claim for compensation for wrongful repudiation found its very basis in that contract and hence was within the scope of article 5(1) .
7 Niki was ever a patient , careful driver and not being on pole never bothered him , because what mattered was the race .
8 Thank you for reading this one supporter 's plea And here 's to an outcome which suits both you and me .
9 He had just got most of their luggage on board and now was in a dilemma .
10 Old Mother Jacobsen knew that she did not have unlimited time to tell the story of Marie Grubbe to Elisabeth Danziger ; Elisabeth would stay for an hour and then be on her way .
11 If the person was asleep when the drugs were ‘ done ’ she would miss her opportunity and still be in difficulty .
12 Subversive activities are those which threaten the safety or well being of the State , and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means .
13 In Britain ‘ subversive activities ’ are defined as ‘ those which threaten the safety or well being of the State , and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means ’ ( Home Office , 1984 ) .
14 The majority of Wear Valley 's GPs do n't have anything like 7,000 patients due to Wear Valley being a rural community and so are in danger of becoming second class citizens .
15 " Will " is driven by love and desire and so is like the Holy Ghost .
16 The deviation of that inch or so is of no consequence .
17 Any material which runs for half a minute or so is worth considering , and you can stretch these times to any length by repeat-recording them nose-to-tail for as many times as needed to make up the required length .
18 My main opposition in the final was Phil Brown from Birmingham , already an established international and the man who over the next decade or so was to be a team-mate of mine and to be the British anchorman in some very fine 4 × 400 metres relay performances .
19 While it may cause a degree of hypoalbuminaemia through an intestinal leak of plasma , it is not a blood-sucker and consequently is of little pathogenic significance in dogs , causing only mild digestive upsets and occasional diarrhoea .
20 It is believed that the observational material will be useful in highlighting subtle aspects of differential behaviour and therefore be of particular help in staff training schemes .
21 This is the first time this major title has gone to a coloured paddler and so is of great significance to those who think that canoeing is a whites-only sport .
22 There 's no point in idealising a policy and never being in a position to achieve it .
23 The Crown 's case against L was that it could be inferred that the stolen property had come to his premises with his knowledge and by prior arrangement and therefore was in his control and possession ; and that he was therefore guilty of burglary or handling .
24 If integration at school age and afterwards is to be a real possibility a family with a handicapped child needs to be involved in the community , making friends and developing natural support systems from the beginning .
25 It was wonderful to be back in this little room , to know that her father had walked past this door and even been in here .
26 The projects must enhance the quality of life and well being of the clients .
27 A co-operative may have more difficulty in raising a large initial sum of venture capital and hence be at a greater risk of starting with too big a burden of interest on loan capital ; but , having got started on a sound financial footing , it would be under no special difficulty in doing as well as ordinary firms .
28 ‘ Judith is also in show biz so the irony is that after years of getting home at three in the morning we 'll get the kids to bed and then be in bed early on .
29 In the short term the Yenan Koreans were important in the development of the north Korean state but subsequently were to be liquidated by Kim Il Sung .
30 Its restaurant and coffee bar are now on the first floor but once were on the ground floor where the bank is now .
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