Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 But when she did , it was always performed with complete aplomb and without the slightest trace of hesitation or reddening of cheeks .
2 So I quickly went over the ship 's side and into the nearest boat .
3 Except where aridity can be countered by irrigation , low rainfall tends to monoculture and social instability or to the poorest type of cereal farming .
4 I 'm talking , Mr President , about companies who , using the mask of the recession , their very best management and at the worst blatant fraud , by going into liquidation overnight , owing millions in unpaid wages , holiday pay , redundancy pay , P A Y E , National Insurance , pension and union contributions , not to mention V A T. There are provisions , subject to limits , for payments of these outstanding debts .
5 This was the plan I laid down , and the first time I had occasion to try it in practice was the Summer before the last [ 1774 ] & I then did it in the case of a Lady and in the hottest weather : the next Body I tried these experiments upon was Jan y .
6 Lawton covered as Delaney raised himself , wriggling forward into the nearest pocket of shadow , as Forster and Silk came up like weird , black sea creatures that slithered silently over the rail and into the nearest cover of darkness .
7 Then at last , one sunny morning , we sailed out of North Inlet and towards the nearest port in Spanish America .
8 The older Colonel beamed about him and Hope tried to execute yet another manoeuvre with Miss D'Arcy — to get her to conspire ( silently of course and with the finest subtlety ) with him against her guardian so that the two of them could be saying ‘ what a dear old gentleman he is ’ and use this to draw closer together .
9 Others have survived similar heart complaints and are still working , both in the First Division and at the highest level on the Continent .
10 All chemical and biochemical reagents were obtained from Sigma ( Poole , Dorset ) or BDH ( Dagenham , Essex ) and were of analytical grade or of the highest purity available .
11 If you are sure that the mugger has no intention of attacking you , you may decide to stay until he or she grabs the loot and runs off ; or you may decide to turn and run as they bend down — either to safety or to the nearest available weapon .
12 ‘ With Francis out of the way Beryl will have to come to terms with his heir and to the best of my belief Francis never made a will .
13 The largest lakeside town and among the loveliest , bursting with flowers and dotted with fine old villas .
14 By any standards it was a sensitive period and about the worst moment that anyone could have chosen to circulate proposals of this kind .
15 Off to the pictures in the evening and in the best seats .
16 Those interested in postgraduate and continuing medical education and in the best use of all qualified medical practitioners should be concerned at these developments .
17 23.1 If any dispute or difference arises between the Parties hereto in connection with or arising out of the Agreement and provided that either of them shall have given notice in writing thereof , the Parties shall try to reach an agreement by negotiating in goodwill and at the highest level .
18 We provide a comprehensive range of sizes to suit every yacht specification for leisure use or for the longest of passages .
19 As the company will be using significant cash resources to finance the purchases in such circumstances , the requirement to make a statement as to the adequacy of working capital in the circular ( on the basis of the maximum utilisation of the authority and at the highest price — which assumption must be stated ) will be of particular concern .
20 The company says this technological approach enables changes made anywhere in the process including development of documentation , design models and source code and at the lowest level of granularity , to be automatically reflected and maintained throughout the entire development process and all software deliverables .
21 When a particularly difficult and obscure accident occurs , the aircraft manufacturer may suspect the possibility of the failure of a particular component , and acting in a responsible manner and with the highest possible motives may circulate to all operators of that type of aircraft a design for modifying the component just in case it was the one that failed .
22 ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied , as was the case here …
23 In Clarke v. Clarke [ 1990 ] 2 F.L.R. 115 , 119 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. said : ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied [ the committal order ] can not stand . ’
24 Mayer Amschel Rothschild built Mentmore , Alfred Rothschild built Halton House , Lionel Rothschild rebuilt Tring , and Ferdinand built Waddesdon , all on the most spectacular scale and in the wildest styles they could muster .
25 ( Both sides bought weapons wherever they could get them , from the furthest provenance and under the strangest flags . )
26 With a peremptory jerk of her head , and a wordless signal of command , Rainbow 's dancing partner orders me out of my subject and into the nearest dark comer .
27 The interstitium was thickened by either granulation tissue or dense fibrosis and in the worst cases showed honeycombing .
28 I happen to think that the prosecution here and the investigating team have done the very best of jobs in the right spirit and in the fairest frame of mind — of that I am totally convinced .
29 The most important first step — although as we will see later it is by no means irrevocable — is to select a presentation style and in the latest version of the product — HGW Version 1.01 — you can do this from the New Presentation dialog box .
30 Overall , these families frequently tend to be placed in the worst housing or on the worst estates , partly perhaps because of their inability to pay higher rents , and partly because local authorities have always been inclined to allocate poor people and slum dwellers to particular estates ( Gray , 1979 ) .
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