Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] out that " in BNC.

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1 Some writers use an engineering analogy and point out that the words ‘ stress ’ , ‘ strain ’ , ‘ tension ’ and ‘ pressure ’ are used when the load becomes too great and a breaking point is reached ; it is the point where the strain is so great that metal ceases to bend and it snaps .
2 The bureau observes that housebuilders ignore such market demands at their peril and points out that basements serve a useful ecological purpose .
3 In the middle of the twentieth century Duguid ( 1946 ) emphasised the importance of arterial thrombi in the genesis of the plaque and pointed out that it was Rokitansky who first put forward the ‘ encrustation hypothesis ’ .
4 Moreover , it was I who wet my finger to test the wind and pointed out that , even if he wanted to leave the game , it would be no use .
5 They draw implications in the world of a deaf child 's hearing through the early fitting of a hearing aid and point out that even under these advantageous circumstances a deaf child 's functional hearing may not be comparable to that of hearing children at the same sound levels .
6 Halifax , the largest building society , is preparing to transfer its tapes to the Revenue but points out that — rather than taking advantage of the tax rules — many savers are failing to claim their rights .
7 He said that the company had admitted liability for the car but pointed out that all their drivers have immediate access to facilities to correct any vehicle defects .
8 In 1732 Thomas Dover published a treatise in which he advocated metallic mercury as a treatment for a variety of medical complaints apart from syphilis and pointed out that , taken in this form , it did not cause the side-effects of other mercury compounds .
9 ‘ in a zebra controlled area proceeding towards the limits of an uncontrolled zebra crossing ’ This point is proved by briefly describing the lawful markings etc. of the crossing and pointing out that they were clearly visible and unobscured , by the observation of a prosecution witness regarding the direction of travel of the offending vehicle and by showing the absence of control at the crossing .
10 As early as January 1959 Guevara emphasised the importance of agrarian reform and pointed out that if the constitutional requirements for compensation were met , the reform would be so slow as to be imperceptible .
11 One struck a particular chord with the player : it wished him well in his retirement and pointed out that rugby had given Mullin a PhD in travel .
12 She saw a notice in the window of an empty shop and found out that a pet shop is going to open up there shortly .
13 I did a little analysis on the league table last evening and found out that we 've beaten *all* the bottom six and have n't played or beaten anyone in the top nine yet !
14 Not long after his arrival in Kentucky , they 'd sat down together one evening with the Harvey family tree and worked out that they were second cousins .
15 They did not seem to mind , each patting her head and calling out that her hair would soon grow , which was more than could be said for the balding bailiffs escorting them .
16 He at length quoted the evidence given by Wells , the butcher and pointed out that , if the jury believed this and the evidence of Drew 's landlady , Mrs Goodall , then it was in direct contradiction to the majority of other witnesses .
17 Kochan supports this view about the economic burden of industrial development and points out that ‘ industrial development and its implications … were the most potent challenge to the status quo ’ .
18 It acknowledged the difficulties of the police in a terrorist campaign : complimented the RUC on its restraint and professional integrity and pointed out that the number of detectives who had resorted to physical violence appeared to be small in relation to the total force .
19 Prior declined the request and pointed out that A. D. P. Duffy , MP for Attercliffe , Sheffield , already had a question on Northern Ireland on the order paper .
20 The note to this rule in the 1993 White Book suggests that service on the defendant 's solicitors in England pursuant to an unqualified oral agreement by them to accept service is good service but points out that this practice of endorsement is unnecessary and unsafe since by itself it does not give notice of an intention to defend .
21 Sioli ( 1985 ) has examined the effects of deforestation in relation to the Amazonian environment and points out that the disruption of biogeochemical cycles by burning renders nutrients susceptible to leaching .
22 Criticism arrangement and pointed out that William Hay had only been elected the first DUP mayor after being nominated for the fifth time .
23 ( 1981 ) list 15 predictions that they derive from their conditioned attention theory and point out that many of these have received empirical confirmation .
24 I spoke to the chairman of the Sports Council this morning and pointed out that the increase in grant is in excess of inflation .
25 Mr. Maunder spoke about the need for managed conservation and pointed out that it is not enough to just let everything grow .
26 Pakistan denied that any missile sites were under construction on her soil and pointed out that the Soviet Union had herself been supplying arms and building airfields and other military installations in countries in the neighbourhood of Pakistan .
27 The first chairperson of the organisation , the evangelical church minister Detlof Rose , considered the congress to be a success and pointed out that it had raised critical questions with regard to the Church and its use of modern technology .
28 It 's as if you 'd gone out into the bigger world and found out that it 's frightening or that it hurts , so you go home .
29 Mr Major explained how he was carrying on the principles of his predecessor and pointed out that he was her seconder in the leadership ballot and regretted that she had not stayed on .
30 When Scarlet attempted to disagree , albeit feebly , Constance cited the scandals in the City and pointed out that the gap between the highest- and the lowest-paid was greater now than it had been since the nineteenth century .
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