Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It did n't distress or alarm me in any way , certainly not as much as many other things that I have seen that have earned certificates ’ .
2 ‘ Take a complete break from your obsession and call me in two weeks . ’
3 Nevil choked me until I almost passed out , then he lifted me out of the driver 's seat and bundled me into the back of Armstrong , hitting me on the back of the neck with what could have been an anvil but was probably his fist .
4 I was brought rudely back to the real world by Tony 's tripod coming off the top of the pile of clatch ( odds and ends ) piled up above the seat and hitting me on the head as the truck lurched to a halt , diving itself into a drift of deep snow .
5 He took me in his mouth and carried me to his master .
6 A surly man stepped from a trailer doorway and asked me for money .
7 He 's been out the car and locked me in it .
8 When he looked up and turned to greet me Gyggle 's real profile showed the beard off to even greater effect and teased me with its diversity .
9 He made sure I knew it was him by flicking on his interior light and waving me towards him .
10 For over a year David wrestled with a guilty conscience because of his adultery with Bathsheba and other crimes which followed and his anguish and desire to be right with God are recorded in Psalm 51 ‘ Have mercy upon me , O God … blot out my transgressions . ’ ( v. 1 ) ‘ Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin . ’
11 Jack Mason appeared at the players ' entrance and greeted me in his usual jovial way .
12 Ken met me at the entrance and guided me into a side room .
13 Fritz jumped down from his horse and lifted me in his arms .
14 During the summer and early autumn she helped me with Government aid and guided me in the direction of private aid .
15 Already they keep me busy coming and consulting me about their topics to write on , and that , with 12 hours teaching a week , means that it is no holiday .
16 Something within him seemed to collapse but he did n't outwardly fall to pieces or rant or rave or even again try to pull out the arrow or finish me in any other way .
17 He often says unkind things to me , blaming me for the break-up of our marriage and accusing me of being a useless wife .
18 Thanks to all those who have informed me of sightings of wildlife ; please keep up the good work and contact me in the Library & information Service ,
19 As 12-ounce cans of vegetables bounce off the side of my car , one of them smashing my rearview mirror and another sailing with surprising accuracy through my open car window and striking me on the shoulder , I decide to call it quits for the night and return in daylight .
20 A bright-red saloon car zoomed past from the south and shot me to my feet with my arms waving wildly .
21 I ask this council to ignore the recommendation from the housing committee and to support me in passing this amendment .
22 My flesh crept as he unleashed a hearty laugh and motioned me towards the chair .
23 She came out , saw me in the passage and hurried me into the lounge .
24 He caught me around the waist and flung me to the floor .
25 I recoil at the strength of his putrid breath and yank myself away , but he grabs my waist and throws me upon the bed , pinning my hands down and forcing himself on top of me .
26 Dorje greeted me at the bottom and pulled me by the hand across the slabs of ice which had cracked into pontoons , barely locked together .
27 You are the only woman I know — apart from Lucy — who wears skirts and dresses and make-up and turns me on more powerful than a monsoon with all the steam and heat …
28 He fluffs my pillow and adorns me with trinkets ; earrings and a flowery jar of perfume called ‘ Fire Maiden ’ .
29 She moved back against the pillow and drew me on top of her .
30 As I took my place in the darkened centre stage for the opening of the first act , and the lights slowly came up , I saw a sight which I 've never seen before , a sight which chilled me to the marrow and froze me to the spot .
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