Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] she " in BNC.

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1 That was precisely the story Jeff had told her .
2 During that half-hour coffee break Jeff had told her all about Silvia and about how Guido was trying to break up the romance .
3 She turned up the volume of the calypso tape Elaine had given her and sang at the top of her voice , thinking about whether to have a formal dinner party for the charity night , as Pauline suggested , or a more casual fancy-dress party on Halloween , which was what she would prefer .
4 The old bear Emma had given her sat in his corner , accorded dignity , but no longer attention .
5 She remembered the mousetrap Clare had given her .
6 Her sister Jane had asked her to be chief bridesmaid at her wedding to Robert Fellowes , the son-of the Queen 's land agent at Sandringham and now her private secretary , which was held in the Guards Chapel in April 1978 .
7 When he started down the corridor Ellen had taken she was surprised that her legs still functioned .
8 She wanted desperately to make him understand that she was n't the kind of girl Giles had labelled her .
9 It was warm and smooth on Sarah 's tongue , nothing like the terrible gin Maggie had given her which she never wanted to taste again .
10 Before its publication Goodwin had sent her off to the British Museum to research the old Black Dwarf .
11 They were vague shadowy figures , rather like her own mother had been , except that she remembered them slightly better because , when she had been about eight years old , Granny Tremayne had driven her over to Newquay where they had been staying .
12 ‘ I 'm looking forward to seeing your brother again , ’ Donna said , sipping the dry martini Alex had given her a few minutes earlier .
13 She constructed an elementary andrew skeleton inside the useless body Daine had given her , and pushed a set of wire and wheel-worked legs through her tentacles .
14 Her head throbbed and there were stupid tears in her eyes ; so it took her a while to realize that it was the shell Adam had given her .
15 However , the constable learned from a woman in the street that just after the explosion Sutherland had approached her to get an ambulance for his friend who was still in the house .
16 But a stray recollection of a golliwog Maurice had given her for her fifth birthday undid the effect in an instant and she reached Swans ' Meadow with her eyes red and face blotchy from tears , only to find to her surprise that Ursula was in a similar condition .
17 In that minute Troy had kissed her on the lips .
18 It was Esther , with the news that their friend Liz had rung her the night before to tell her that she and Charles were getting divorced , and that Charles intended to marry Henrietta Latchett .
19 ‘ That cruel devil Stapleton has beaten her , ’ Holmes said .
20 To comfort her desolation and guilt Rachel had told her about the Mongolian desert , where she had been as a little girl , hardly older than Maggie was now , to look for dragons , which she called dinosaurs , and where years later Russian palaeontologists had found the great fossil eggs in which the sleeping baby dinosaurs could still be seen .
21 Her family was delighted although Fiona remembers her sister-in-law in America asking anxiously about the kitten James had given her for Christmas .
22 Again in the early hours of the morning Fernando had returned her to her hotel and , cupping her face in his hands , had kissed her tenderly .
23 On it were her confirmation cross and the farthing Rob had given her soon after they met .
24 This was even noticeable through the haze of the drug Leila had given her to superficially suppress such feelings .
25 And there was no doubt that Stair Cochrane had recognised her as well .
26 All she had left was the clothes she wore , the second gown Nahum had bought her , and her wedding ring .
27 The address Adam had given her was relatively easy to find .
28 Emma had insisted Rachaela go with her , and they had stood , outside the railings , in the biting May breeze , watching little girls in pink frocks and shivery legs strewing paper petals , while Ruth , in the red party dress Emma had bought her , crowned a pretty smirking child with tinsel .
29 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
30 The only times she talked openly about her hopes and disappointments was when she was drunk — a state Dexter had seen her in only three times , all at parties and all after the separation from her husband .
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