Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bulbs that are too near the surface can make thick temporary roots ( contractile roots or ‘ droppers ’ ) which pull the bulb deeper into the soil .
2 Could we just turn it a bit perhaps into the side ?
3 So intently watching himself he no longer saw Richard and he pushed a finger smeared with cold gel gently into the hole , then the cock pressed against the opening and pushed .
4 And then they were over the bar into a small , natural harbour and the deck steadied beneath her feet as Penry piloted the boat skilfully into a mooring where the Angharad would wait for their return .
5 Sabine unfastened the chain round her neck , and put the medallion gently into the Baronne 's hand .
6 FURIOUS Howard Kendall stormed out of Loftus Road tight-lipped last night after a double sending-off which helped plunge his troubled side deeper into the relegation mire .
7 Once acid has entered the lower esophagus peristaltic waves initiated within the body of the oesophagus sweep the bolus away into the stomach , but may still leave a juxtamucosal acidic environment in the lower oesophagus .
8 Outhalf Michael Barnes finally put Portadown on the scoreboard with a penalty which Barnes he converted with ease bringing the home side more into the picture .
9 Histamine was given in doses of 1 , 5 , and 10 mgkg - 1 day - in a 100 µl injection directly into the site of the grafted tissue .
10 Differentiation ( Fig. 50 ) is readily made between the two on gross examination or with a hand lens , when the cervical alae of T. cati are seen to have an arrow-head form , with the posterior margins almost at a right angle to the body , whereas those of Toxascaris taper gradually into the body .
11 I shall put the letter , the envelope and the little punctured card straight into the dustbin , wash , dress and repair to The Wife 's Legs for a hot cup of tea . ’
12 With dangerous jagged edges , like broken glass , Dickson jettisoned the boom illegally into the ocean .
13 They put the sandwich carefully into a bag .
14 As he reversed , he saw her march confidently into the porter 's office .
15 Following the thread of light upwards into the darkness , Bernice found that the curves and kinks which had been so obvious from the surface of Belial had straightened out a little more .
16 Shine the light upwards into the branches of a tree , and light plants and shrubs from the side or from the back rather than the front .
17 Massage shampoo well into the roots where grease accumulates and attracts dirt , and let the lather work it own way outwards .
18 Despite the two-octave fretboard , Bass Collection have avoided making this bass look overlong by bolting the neck deep into the body , in half-through fashion .
19 ‘ Got any money ? ’ she asked Jane , fishing deep into the pocket of her broad canvas belt and pulling out a shilling and three pennies .
20 Aid workers , however , warned that such a move , coupled with the government 's inability to transport the aid deep into the countryside , would merely create a " food magnet " , drawing thousands of people to the city .
21 Then drop low under the incoming technique and drive your weight forwards into the punch .
22 She turned her little car precisely into a parking place in the hospital car park , climbed out and slammed the door .
23 He swung back and , just as his legs began to shift his weight forward into the shot and the downswing began , the record man shouted , ‘ Hey , Wally , how ya doin' , man ? ’
24 The new Labour Government who will be elected five weeks tomorrow will immediately sign the social charter and set about getting the social chapter firmly into the treaty itself .
25 Every few seconds or so she squeezed a hard rubber shape that the blood bank nurse had given her , an action which would pump the blood faster into the cannula , through plastic tubing and into the attached plastic bag , which was slowly filling .
26 But he said when you start paying money just into a building society and then lump sum this and lump sum that they tend to sort of then oh you know , what is actually going on here and they tend to start looking about a bit more .
27 But he looked a bit uncertainly into the glass .
28 An example of the futility of pouring money uncontrolledly into a service is given by the United States , which has one of the highest rates of infection with the sexually transmitted diseases , one of the highest rates of resistance among its gonococci , and one of the highest , if not the highest , budgets for research and education into these diseases in the world .
29 Biff swung his power fist upward into the turtle head of the Warlord , staving in its slanted eyes , crushing through adamantium into the Princeps ' cabin , pulverizing the softer contents within .
30 He was right — a thick blanket of snow had turned the scene outside into a picture-postcard .
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