Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] would [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Her appearance here would presage a shipwreck , the candle lighting the way for pall bearers who would follow .
2 The place here would make a good Turkish baths . ’
3 Any attempt to reduce inflation permanently would require a deep cut in government spending and tight control over the money supply .
4 Latest word from the grapevine is that IBM Corp 's 3390-9 disk drive may be put back to June 1 or June 8 ( CI No 2,165 ) , and there is a certain lack of confidence that the thing will be an easy sell given that it is significantly slower than the lower capacity drives , making it unsuitable for most leading edge mainframe applications ( CI No 2,165 ) : the conspiracy theorists conjecture that it is not a product that the sales force and the market actually want , one that could have been developed simply to respond to something a competitor was planning but in the end never launched , but that it has cost sufficient to develop that to write off the effort now would leave a nasty hole in AdStar Inc 's balance sheet — much better to put the thing out in the confidence that some users will bite , and write the work off over perhaps a five-year product life .
5 The book and cassette together would provide a good home refresher course but could be used equally well during a day or evening class revision course .
6 The proposed agreement also would establish a strategic alliance whereby Computervision will resell VMark products , and its Service Business Unit will provide worldwide support for PI/open and VMark 's uniVerse products .
7 Once Columbus had found his new continent , and the discovery was common knowledge , anyone else mounting an expedition westward would have a rough idea what he would find .
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