Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] has the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A lien holder merely has the right to detain the goods subject to the lien until the debt has been paid .
2 The chairman alone has the power to determine the nature of the punishment .
3 Minsky 's ‘ supreme organizer ’ view must be a hierarchical one , for that organizer alone has the model of its relation to other modules , and it must therefore always be in control , because no other module has the model of relationships that would allow it sometimes to be in control ( in the way a heterarchical view requires ) .
4 The trainer also has the responsibility to convey to the trainees that they must not think of themselves as problem solvers , but only as facilitators .
5 The micro-environment probably has the potential for balancing the timing of wound healing if left undisturbed .
6 The teaching force then has the task of meeting the criteria established by these guidelines .
7 He said , ‘ Your boy obviously has the ability to give of his best when his best is required .
8 Conversely , you may be entitled to disobey an instruction which management ostensibly has the power to give .
9 The judge also has the power , where the reporting of one case may affect the interests of justice in a subsequent case , to postpone the reporting of the earlier case .
10 Finally , because it tends to be selective in terms of the types of people involved , migration also has the power to produce substantial and rapid changes in the population composition of individual places .
11 Physical exercise also has the capacity to be used to attempt to control emotional feelings , to work off the calories consumed in food and to control body size .
12 ( The detergent also has the power to reduce the build-up of damaging deposits from older engines . )
13 But , as here , this mimicry often has the effect of comparing such experts with soothsayers , challenging the contemporary distinction between rational knowledge generated out of numbers and graphs and the irrational predictions of those who ‘ fraudcast ’ on evidence from stars or the entrails of animals .
14 The membership issue now has the profile it deserves and demands at Table , Area and National levels and this must be continued .
15 I do n't know if this means that the North Yorkshire structure plan now has the equivalent of an Egon Ronay recommendation .
16 Surely the Chancellor now has the opportunity to announce a further cut in interest rates .
17 Archaeology therefore has the ability to impose , with relatively few complications , the particular contemporary boundaries of the nation-state upon its findings , and to identify these as the prehistory of Germany or Italy .
18 In short the limited war always has the potential to become a total war .
19 As we shall see in Chapter 12 , the seller usually has the right to retain possession of the goods until the buyer pays .
20 Despite having been through the regulatory mangle time again and time again , the group still has the potential to generate a lot of cash , and yields about 8 p.c. on forecasts for 1993 .
21 As you can view , world peace is not all it promised to be , so if your planet ever has the choice of voting for world peace , do not follow the example of the planet Earth .
22 If a contract is cost reimbursable the engineer usually has the power to direct the work and thus to influence its cost directly .
23 Usually damages will be much less than the price and the seller also has the inconvenience of having to find another buyer .
24 The Guardian distribution also has the advantage over the Abbey National share allocation in that it is tax-free and net of all osts .
25 The BTU tax also has the advantage of being less unpopular than a petrol tax , partly because it is almost impossible to understand .
26 As Tory backbenchers cheered , the Chancellor said : ‘ British business now has the opportunity it has been looking for — to bring the country out of recession , to increase sales , expand production and invest for the future .
27 The housekeeper then has the room serviced and when it is ready for letting , presses the switch in the bedroom which will then show a green light on all boards , indicating that the room is now ready to be let .
28 Wells calculates that as approximately two-thirds of teenage pregnancies going to full term were reported to be unplanned in a study in South West England , effective contraception therefore has the potential for avoiding 76,000 unwanted teenage pregnancies each year .
29 As both a stimulus and ready source of energy , honey also has the distinction of being the only food made by insects that 's eaten by man .
30 Both parties should have the right to apply for the appointment of the expert or arbitrator , even if the landlord alone has the right to initiate the rent review .
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