Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [v-ing] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 's share of the German market fell , with Sun , IBM and Unisys Corp all riding a wave .
2 ‘ Oh , y-yes , ’ she stammered , her heart suddenly finding a lot of extra energy .
3 This prospect appeared to recede after the Washington talks , however , as both sides reported little progress on outstanding issues , particularly on the provisions dealing with air- and sea-launched long-range missiles , with the Soviet side still seeking a treaty to cover air-launched cruise missiles carried by tactical fighters as well as by heavy bombers .
4 Gina stared back at him stonily , her mouth still retaining a testimony to that fact .
5 Worse was to follow in the midweek game at Fulham , where they crashed 4–0 , with the home side also missing a penalty .
6 OK , so he drops the charm at every commercial break often deserting a guest to make straight for the waiting make-up girls .
7 With Scotland 's side fast becoming a league of nations , PAUL NELSON talked to DALE McINTOSH , a Scot from New Zealand via South Wales …
8 Her record card gives no clear understanding of her AAF service , the first entry seemingly indicating a transfer from Bell Aircraft to the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics ( NACA ) facility at Cleveland , Ohio on April 19 , 1945 .
9 A man with a mind that might have left even the mythical Mycroft just floundering a fraction ?
10 It should be noted that this view has recently been confirmed by the Council successfully prosecuting a person under the 1954 Pleasure Ground Byelaw .
11 Jane Rodin , prosecuting , yesterday told Kirkby magistrates the trouble started two days before the Sunday incident in which a 16-year-old girl innocently enjoying a drink was shot in the side .
12 DARLINGTON 'S Liberal Democrats formally launched their campaign yesterday saying a vote for them is not a wasted vote .
13 Bombers could be made invisible to radar , maintained an American author in New Scientist , the issue also carrying a discussion of what scientists could do to halt development of more appalling weapons even than those in existence .
14 Sitting in his half-constructed conservatory carefully rolling a cigarette , he recounted how , on his return from Everest in 1987 , he was asked to give an interview to Capital Radio .
15 The front row clearly housed small-scale industrial activities , indicated by metal-working debris and a glass-working hearth , while the rear plots were evidently agricultural , one at least being used for growing spelt , and a second probably containing a timber barn .
16 Can you imagine that you 've got the sun here shining a light at the earth there .
17 Fitting the abrasive sheet under the end clamps is easy to achieve by easing the push buttons on the deck of the machine inwards using a thumb .
18 SOUL singer Lisa Stansfield won a High Court ban yesterday preventing a record company cashing in on her fame by releasing ‘ embarrassing ’ teenage recordings .
19 Lily Bates was back at work , Rose could see her unmistakable small figure with her shock of grey hair quickly moving a flow of green jersey through her machine .
20 The sergeant from the scene of crime squad pushed past him , and advanced on Catherine Crane , holding out a pair of battered wellingtons with the air of the prince hopefully extending a glass slipper .
21 Here the new road over to Glen Garry , continuing the A.87 classification , turns to the right , the signpost still urging a visit to Fort William .
22 Legs flesh , bill red , drake usually having a knob in summer ; sexes otherwise alike .
23 In a meeting apparently heralding a breakthrough in relations , high-level delegations from the African National Congress ( ANC ) and the Zulu-based Inkatha Movement met in Durban on Jan. 29 .
24 At the same time the air pump removes waste water and air from the separate condenser thus maintaining a vacuum in it .
25 Centrally sited in the pit is a director prominently brandishing a scroll of paper .
26 Paul Goddard will make his Millwall debut — against his old club , Derby — on New Year 's Day after completing his £800,000 move yesterday following a medical .
27 ‘ I am convinced that much of the success achieved by the Arsenal has been through the team quickly sensing a weakness in the opposition , ’ Chapman commented .
28 There are amoebae which gather sandgrains of particular sizes — a process clearly requiring a selection procedure , an instinctive ability to make decisions — using them as a protective outer layer .
29 Malone will also be parading a large squad of players tomorrow including giving former Armagh back Simon Willis a chance to show his paces at out-half with Ballymena 's Davy Nickel also getting a run-out .
30 The majority of middle market transactions are completed on a low profile , negotiated basis often involving a mixture of individual and corporate participants .
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