Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This has led to waste and inefficiency since the definition of a good hour of work is one that can be charged to the contract rather than one in which some progress has been made .
2 I emphasize ‘ in my view ’ because not everyone will agree , and of course a very small telescope is a great deal better than nothing at all .
3 Forster once wrote to me that he knew Ivy 's characters were good as well as clever ; they are a great deal better than anyone in his books .
4 They wanted Benjamin to be fuzzy enough as a fantasy figure so that everyone in America could identify with him without joining the Movement .
5 The shape-specific polymers continued to be passed on from potency to potency even after none of the original solute was left in the solution .
6 A certain no dialogue today or anything like that .
7 Goalscorers are under the microscope more than anyone for England after the retirement of Gary Lineker and that reassurance of a definite period to prove himself would settle Ian .
8 She had his complete attention now and nothing about him was sceptical .
9 Mainstay of the motive power at the n , and on the Nottingham Suburban Services , erm the old er built erm er round top fire box , with the safety valves er and erm er well no condensing here or anything on it .
10 And if you did n't want to do national curriculum levels or it was n't appropriate then you could continue your staff comment now or you could draw a wee picture there or something like that , you know ?
11 These two lines of super absorbent material work like dams , holding liquid back so that none of it ever reaches the elastic at the legs .
12 it was smashing you can , you could take anything off , the only thing you had to cut was , was a little thin fanlight at the back here and one at the front , inch and a half wide
13 Alcock , the man with the astronomical memory , probably knows the sky better than anyone in the world , possibly in history .
14 You do n't want to purge it out your life more than anything in the world . ’
15 He wanted his daughter more than anything in the world . ’
16 my box home and everything on Thursday night on a job
17 I thought you 'd have been buying an oil well or something like that .
18 ( Incidentally , there seems to be an implicit assumption here that everyone in the audience was a murderer or a rapist .
19 There is no suggestion here that anyone in the Arab world other than a fanatical fringe seriously expects that his leadership could resolve the region 's difficulties .
20 There was supposed to be a ship 's doctor aboard but no-one below decks had set eyes on him .
21 We were n't at school together or anything like that . ’
22 While much was achieved in improving safety standards , towards the decade 's end there was a series of accidents that perhaps shocked the public more than anything since Harrow & Wealdstone in the very early days of nationalisation .
23 It retained its popularity even though none of the Hanoverian kings was an inspiring personality and none , with the possible exception of George I , a man of much intelligence .
24 The American boy turned in his seat and stared , expecting to see a fight , but the cowering Annamite accepted his beating meekly and none of the European passersby spared the man a second glance .
25 For preference , choose one that is on its own in a hedgerow rather than one in a wood with many other trees , as single trees tend to have more galls on them .
26 He came to understand the need to settle for half a loaf rather than nothing at all ; he recognized the need to negotiate with legislators while he also discovered how to bring them into line by going over their heads to the people .
27 He knew that he was the shortest in the class by about three inches and that Mr Gillis was considerate enough to bark out the height of each boy after measurement so that everyone in the class knew the awful truth .
28 The orchestral playing is quite ravishing at times , and Giulinii displays the utmost care over detail so that lots of subtleties can be heard despite the full textures .
29 Do you know , I long for a family more than anything in the world ? ’ she blurted out with an intense yearning .
30 If having read this you feel you would like to offer time etc but none of these are what you are looking for then please ring either The Chairperson or Secretary who I am sure will be only too willing to discuss with you any further possibilities .
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