Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is ironic that theories of federalism , especially of the German variety , should stress responsibility so strongly while failing to realise it in practice .
2 Bérégovoy had let the budget deficit rise alarmingly rather than raise taxes , which he feared would have cut both demand and the Socialists ' vote .
3 They have to learn a lot of different skills , and also in business nothing happens unless you 're good at organizing teams , so businessmen often get good at working with people , which is , I think , a hugely important experience so far as helping people to grow up is concerned .
4 As you know Mr Mayor , we are inside the chamber , do n't believe in spending any more than is absolutely necessary in any part of any budget so rather than spend any extra money we are proposing an extra twenty thousand be taken out of the public conveniences budget .
5 Having an excellent harbour , Vancouver was a sportsman 's paradise so far as swimming , fishing , and boating were concerned , and while I have never claimed prowess in the water or in angling I have found pleasure on a boat , provided that boat was big enough — big enough that is , for me to sit comfortably on deck , preferably with a drink in hand , and watch the world go by .
6 Morrow ( 1980:Part 4 ) takes the subordination of text to purpose and prediction so far as to use the questions to construct the text ( through a series of student activities like speed-reading of parts of the text , reordering , and blank-filling ) while the text itself is hidden away at the back of the book for consumption afterwards .
7 By all means use them when they are needed or appropriate , but there is no call to construct a headline especially so as to include one or more of them .
8 Another American firm , McDonnell Douglas , has a smaller product range , and by the mid-1980s was wondering whether to get out of the industry entirely rather than compete in the next generation of civil airliners .
9 She may know that her tears will relieve her tension more effectively than shouting back or pretending not to notice , or they may be tears of anger rather than the vulnerability so despised by her colleagues .
10 All you need do is have a lift-up lid instead of a solid base or shelves added under the actual seat part and you have immediately doubled the usefulness of the piece as well as gained some footage .
11 Josiah Wedgwood built his fortune on tea as surely as did investors in the East India Company .
12 This is why changing the voice of the verb in 9a from active to passive — which has the effect of interchanging the valency slots that the noun phrases occupy — removes the anomaly as effectively as replacing see or table .
13 Slot the new post sections into the metalwork and hammer fully home if required .
14 He chooses to tap his fag packet round and round on the tabletop again rather than speak to me , so I say , ‘ Well , I 'm not sure about that , but it 's certainly somebody who knows me ; I mean , I think that card with my writing on it proves that .
15 The German Idealist tradition was born out of the rejection of British empiricism and some political commentators have urged that the legacy of this can still be seen in the idea that ‘ the Germans have only really to desire change in order to achieve basic changes in their position , and that these changes would in consequence alter the European scene so radically as to produce the longed-for peace ’ .
16 by the loading or unloading of a vehicle so far as concerns loading or unloading risk cover by a Motor Policy ; or
17 ‘ I am very far from saying that in every case in which a child is proving difficult to manage , a parent is entitled to strike the child so hard as to cause injuries of the kind in this case .
18 The tunes were in a slow waltz time but played with that characteristic thump which accentuates the first beat of the bar so strongly as to obliterate everything else , reducing any melodic line to a tribal dance .
19 " From this resolution of the Presbytery Mr Pearson asked to leave the chair , which was granted , to enter his dissent so far as regards Mr Charles McNeill . "
20 As fig. 5.12 shows , these subjects learned the test more readily than did control subjects that were trained on the same task but had received initial Pavlovian training in which the tone and clicker were uncorrelated with reinforcer type .
21 For instance , the censuses of 1971 and 1981 investigated country of origin more fully than had been done previously to extend knowledge about the immigrant population .
22 A recent work on political theory in ancient Greece has pursued this question more explicitly than has traditionally been the case in classical scholarship and provides a further check to our ready acceptance of Goody 's grander claims for the consequences of literacy in classical Greece .
23 The planet Mercury orbits the Sun more closely than do any of the others .
24 It is very important that you visit and write to or phone your child as regularly as agreed .
25 This little nugget of a book ( but all Boulestin books are nuggets ) contains some of Boulestin 's best writing about his own province and about the food of obscure country inns of a type now all but vanished .
26 Like every other class and institution , the nobility was tested in the crisis of 1808 and the French invasion : it does not seem to have failed in this test as completely as has been asserted .
27 I find knitting from a pattern in the Design Controller even easier than knitting with a mylar sheet .
28 alright well we 'll ask this question again then after gone on holiday to the States and see whether
29 In other respects as well , choice theories confine the scope of legal liability more narrowly than do the ‘ harm to interests ’ theories .
30 Well he does open , there 's no not many players can play a team better like than opening up
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