Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [pron] [is] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean we come out with erm an equation that look like so expected price and T is a function right it 's the sum of gamma into one minus gamma into J into P T minus one minus J and J goes to infinity .
2 So , perhaps those explanations might account for declining er , relative share in agriculture as well as the increasing share of manufactured goods , because the other side of that coin is , well , income elasticities of demand for agricultural goods is less than unity so there 's a de declining sector aspect there , erm , is it easy to differentiate agricultural products ?
3 generally cleaned up I 've pulled up some nettles and got the access to the greenhouse a bit better it 's a bit pooey in there in n it ?
4 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
5 It 's the best thing of course so It 's a very weird thing to be doing really is n't it ?
6 It 's the best thing of course so It 's a very weird thing to be doing really is n't it ?
7 I mean luckily you , you know , you 'd gone on a car , with a car so it 's a matter of throwing everything in the back and just going
8 So it 'll be flying round the light so it 's no trouble to you .
9 To reduce weight quickly it is a good idea to cut out bread , potatoes and pasta .
10 The Hawaiian wedding now there 's a word there missing I wonder if I wonder if you can erm if you can guess that if you are the most entertaining winner you will get this Elvis video .
11 ‘ If your business is legit then there 's no need to be defensive .
12 Most problems arise when inclining the rig to the front to turn the board away from the wind ; if you commit too much weight forwards there is a risk of being pulled over .
13 As that work comes to er fruition , the staff target will be drafted and in fact work is already begun on that , erm but because the reconnaissance capability wo n't be required until fairly late in the replacement programme then there is no particular hurry to get on with the work .
14 right John has written a story about his home right it 's a good descriptive story on how people live
15 Focusing then on how the new money has been spent , and this is covered in paragraph seven and eight of the report the thirty five thousand pounds conditional resources for Policy Resources Committee has been added to by six thousand seven hundred which er savings from existing budgets within the committee so there 's a total of forty one thousand seven hundred to er each new developments or er or other pressures within the committee and the items that you see before you here have been discussed between the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of this committee er County Planning Officer and Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Policy Resources Committee , so it 's these sorts of discussions that these items have arisen in front of you .
16 Sovereignty is the , we 'll turn to it later , we 'll look at sovereignty again , but linked to sovereignty is the idea that you can make legislation , you can pass laws and then you can say these laws are going to be carried out , implemented by courts followed by sanctions though very little law is related to foreign policy because the British government or the Russian government or the United States government ca n't make laws which apply worldwide or outside its own area of claimed sovereignty so there is a difference of the environment in which foreign policy takes place .
17 MATURATION Now it is the turn of time to work its miracle — the new spirit is filled into oak casks and stored in cool , dark warehouses where the long process of maturation begins .
18 As our economy has declined as our recession has turned to a slump increasingly it is the low-paid , the sick , the disabled and the unemployed who have been forced to pick up the tab for the Tory policy failure .
19 How that coffee machines any , any old machine well it 's a small office , maybe a bigger offices have the vending machine , but every office will have a machine .
20 Now if you think about conflict between the centre and the states you then have to ask the question well what is the centre ?
21 Although it does have lower , lower power than his first test , right , but if you ca n't calculate his first test then it 's the best thing to use .
22 ‘ Mr Major has made clear that if after an exhaustive debate the Scottish people want a divorce then there is no way they can be kept in the union against their will .
23 And if you ca n't organize yourself at work then it 's a ten to a penny that you ca n't organize the other bits either .
24 If two woman in a relationship want to have a child then there is the technology to have a child that 's their right to go ahead and have one .
25 " The concept of the Labour aristocracy has had its value in drawing attention to differences within the working class but if it implies the existence … of a labour elite distinctly separated from lower strata and marked by political behaviour of an acquiescent type then it is a concept that does more harm than good to historical truth " .
26 Until you get that breakthrough then everything 's a one off .
27 Assuming sows and gilts remain in the service house until after the point of first return then there is a total requirement of 14 paddocks each containing two huts capable of holding eight to nine sows each .
28 It is the property of the Widow and the Orphan who regard it as safe in your Hands , & in our case moreover it is the property of the Sovereign of the country who selects us for the deposit because he expects ( & expressly has declared that to be his motive ) to find in us , the nice Honour of Gentleman added to the common honesty & Integrity of Men of Business . ’
29 Evidence of the cost effectiveness of inspections is hard to come by and on this basis alone it is an area of challenge for partnerships .
30 . This is an alcohol it has an O H group so it is a butanole but you have to indicate where the O H group actually is it 's either on four or it 's on one .
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