Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] her [art] " in BNC.

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1 The girl quickly handed her the phone .
2 Michelle 's bravery and determination recently won her a Businesswoman of the Year award .
3 She felt all right coming down when Sue and the children were there , or when the kitchen was empty , although the suddenly-abandoned look of the room always gave her a shock .
4 ‘ Having made the decision to have Sandy put to sleep , my husband spent the evening before digging her a grave .
5 His face remained when the others had gone , sharp-boned and predatory , his eyes hungry , his smile still giving her the creeps .
6 Having had a small suitcase packed weeks ago , she alerted the maternity wing of the clinic in which she was booked , asked the receptionist downstairs to get her a taxi and took herself off there as if the early arrival of babies was an everyday occurrence in her life .
7 Television also gave her the opportunity to stage a bravura farewell to the nation , not just to fellow MPs , in her last speech as Prime Minister .
8 The bastard never left her a thing .
9 The press still followed her every step
10 When a care worker later approached her the 88 year old pleaded : ’ Do n't hit me . ’
11 Her pregnancy thankfully gave her a little relief from the enormous output normally expected of her , and her stay with the Franklins was a welcome respite from the boredom and loneliness of being on her own , as she wrote on 9 January :
12 The comforting knowledge that at least she will get as far as the British Embassy tonight gives her the strength for attack .
13 Her mother proudly showed her a room which was all for herself , with a pretty bed made up with white sheets and two pillows .
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