Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties .
2 The superstition that the third light from a match brings bad luck apparently originates from the first world war , when German soldiers in the opposite trench would notice the first light , take aim at the second and fire at the third .
3 Harry walked on , his face like thunder , his fists still clenched , his self-esteem badly bruised from the catcalls and laughter of the village .
4 There is a sense in which this task has remained the same since libraries began ( clay tablets were gathered into organized collections in Mesopotamia at least as early as 2700 BC ) but modern librarianship properly dates from the nineteenth century , from Panizzi 's reign at the British Museum , from the spread of the public library movement in Britain , the USA and Scandinavia , and from the new techniques initiated by such creative geniuses ( in their day ) as Melvil Dewey and Charles Amni Cutter .
5 And the second stranger slowly approached from the shadows , his pale face looking frightened .
6 Dynjandi is almost frozen at its sides , the light brilliantly reflected from the rivulets of snow and ice .
7 Any loss naturally arising from the breach ;
8 As reminiscence naturally proceeds from the past to the present , it can often give the counsellor an indication of where , and at what period , to focus attention in the search for the origins of the counsellee 's particular mental state or circumstances .
9 This opposition naturally came from the left of Irish politics , with support from left Labour figures such as Noel Browne and David Neligan , trade unionists such as Michael Mullen of the ITGWU and members of the Workers ' Party .
10 The future Quaker abolitionist , James Cropper of Liverpool , accepted the necessity ‘ for a humble , dependent state of mind naturally arising from the knowledge of the superior wisdom and goodness of the will and ways of God to our own ’ and found gloom about the future banished .
11 After he finished , it is said , a wind suddenly arose from the floor of the desert and blew sand across the spectators .
12 In all living cells , proteins have to recognize and bind to specific DNA sequences , recognition generally resulting from the interactions of particular amino acid side-chains with the nucleotide bases of specific DNA sequences .
13 The news has shocked a fashion industry already reeling from the recession .
14 Dugal Nisbet-Smith , director of the Newspaper Society , an organisation representing mainly English and Welsh provincial titles , has said 17.5 per cent VAT would be a catastrophe for an industry already reeling from the recession .
15 Outside Meryl 's bedroom window , a tree swayed in the slight breeze and the last streaks of light finally faded from the sky .
16 Tacitus tells us that this incursion was into the territory of Rome 's allies , and this could place it in the lower Severn , where Caratacus could have linked up with the other group of dissidents in the south-west still smarting from the operations of Vespasian , who with his sea-borne mobility swept right along the south coast , taking the Britons by surprise .
17 At the foot of the pole the succulent body of the deer lay sprawled , blood still seeping from the severed arteries of its neck .
18 The next morning the wind still blew from the west .
19 As will become clear tonight , the construction industry still suffers from the irresponsible cuts imposed by the Government .
20 Mash tuns or Kieves ( a Dublin term possibly inherited from the 17th century Huguenot brewers ) are essentially great big strainers or filtering vessels where the mash is allowed to ‘ stand-in ’ , in much the same way as a pot of tea is allowed to ‘ draw ’ .
21 Whitlock smiled politely , his mind still reeling from the way she had dissected his cover story , piece by piece , until there was nothing left for him to hide behind .
22 Bomber Command also organised from the " petrified Forest " the operational training units through non-operational Groups , and it was very important after Harris 's one-off when he stopped training to mount his 1,000-Plan , that some of the more senior and very experienced training instructors remained operational ; .
23 Interestingly enough , broadside probably derives from the naval tactic of firing all the guns from one side of a ship of war at once , without giving the recipient the necessity of awaiting installments Such sheets are of historic importance , since they date back to the sixteenth century , when popular poems and ballads were issued in this form ; and royal and official proclamations took to the streets in this guise almost from the first days of printing .
24 Most of the fish in the loch originally arrived from the sea and many still migrate to and from it .
25 His voice had grown hushed and childish with wonder and his eyes filled , looking back to record this playful divination which might yet predict a future far removed from the cloister , which in any case was already losing its visionary charm for him .
26 Mathematical perspective of a Renaissance sort had not been used in European medieval art , where the size of a figure often derives from the person 's importance , God the father never being small .
27 The fulcrum of action now shifted from the society to the committee in London .
28 While the Japanese often modified Chinese customs , and domestic developments frequently rendered Japanese practice far removed from the original Chinese model , Chinese-based cultural practices remained highly significant in Japan .
29 The significance of equity today arises from the creation of the Supreme Court of Judicature under the 1873–75 Acts , and the administration by this one-court system of principles of both law and equity .
30 When the top rail has been fitted onto the tenons the profile of the tops of the uprights is traced onto the top rail , which can then , like the lower back rail , be cut to the correct curb using the template previously prepared from the original .
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